esoterica181 wrote:
Perhaps he feared for his pension
I can't believe the people who have the gall to judge other people's competency at parenting, and it's usually the ones who are not competent doing the judging. It creates this atmosphere of judgment no matter who you tell or don't tell.
It's a personal issue and it's a hard limit for me.
Exactly the bolded text.
It's a personal issue. Whether to have kids-- personal issue. Whether to abort an unplanned pregnancy-- personal issue. How many kids to have-- personal issue. How to raise children assuming you choose to have them (within reason-- no child should be beaten or emotionally and mentally run into the ground, frankly, the way I've felt obligated to do with my kids for the last year or so, the way I f*****g REFUSE f*****g REFUSE f*****g REFUSE to do any more no matter how annoying or spoiled anyone else finds them)-- personal issue.
Personal. Individual. Naturally varies from Homo sapien to Homo sapien. NOT standardized.
Autistics are supposed to be the ones with black-and-white thinking issues, right??
So why is it that I get out of bed every morning, and struggle to think to myself, "It's a big world, girl. Live and let live. No such thing as perfect. Do your best and go to bed satisfied, most of the time." And then, every day that I interact with some other human being, I'm confronted with, "That's the wrong way. You are the wrong way. Live like I say live. Not good enough. Never be satisfied."
Aren't I supposed to be the one with black-and-white thinking issues?? Perfectionism issues??
Then why, every time I make a conscious decision to reject black-and-white thinking and perfectionism, am I slapped with them again????
Is this some freakin' perverse game???? Or does everyone actually want to live in a standardized world, provided it's standardized to their standard???

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"