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How often do you shave your legs/armpits?
Always. ALWAYS, DARNIT!! ! 15%  15%  [ 15 ]
Mostly. Sometimes I don't. 23%  23%  [ 23 ]
Sometimes. Depends on the situation. 13%  13%  [ 13 ]
Infrequently. I do it if I feel like it/remember to. 23%  23%  [ 23 ]
Rarely. I don't like doing it at all. 17%  17%  [ 17 ]
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22 Jun 2013, 3:58 am

I shave my armpits when they are going to be 'on show' and have my legs waxed regularly.

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23 Jun 2013, 8:55 am

I used to try and keep up on shaving my armpits and legs, but my hair is ridiculously thick and grows at an almost unbelievable rate, so I've more or less given up on regularly shaving them. Typically I will shave my armpits to control odor and my legs if the hair starts to make them itch too bad.

However, I've recently been toying with the idea that I may be a transgender, so I will probably give up on shaving altogether.

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24 Jun 2013, 11:46 am

I voted “Mostly. Sometimes I don’t”. My boyfriend prefers me to be shaved so if he’s visiting (we are in a long distance relationship) I shave my legs every other day and epilate my underarms about once a week or when needed. Sometimes I keep up this routine even when my boyfriend isn’t visiting because I prefer to feel smooth! But sometimes I just really can’t be bothered so I don’t bother.


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29 Jun 2013, 12:54 pm

I shave my armpits every time I take a shower (which sometimes isn't as often as it should be - my grooming habits can be awful).

As for legs, I have a lot of trouble shaving them, although I try my best. I can usually only half-shave them if I don't want to hurt myself, because I'm very clumsy. Cutting myself is annoying not so much because of the pain but because of the bleeding, and bandages are uglier than leg hair, IMO. I don't shave my legs in the winter, either, only when I wear shorts/skirts in the summer or before going swimming. I don't shave my legs often because of the problems listed above and because of time constraints; it usually happens about every two weeks in the summer.

I use shaving cream for both the armpits and the legs. I used to wax my legs, but it was very time-consuming.

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29 Jun 2013, 5:14 pm

Maybe once a month, if that.

But then I'm kinda like OliveOilMom in that such hair is light and sparse.


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30 Jun 2013, 1:15 am

I hate to shave my legs. The smooth feeling is nice, but I don't mind them hairy either. I just really hate shaving, so I gave it up entirely a few months ago. My husband doesn't care, and I rarely wear anything short, so I haven't had to defend my decision in public (yet).

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05 Jul 2013, 7:29 pm

never. just the thought make me cringe.


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06 Jul 2013, 9:04 pm

I hate working with the razors and I don't really have the patience to sit and shave so I don't shave very often unless I'm wearing a shorter skirt. I usually use an electric razor when I do shave my legs. I shave my pits a little more often because it helps with odor and they get irritated with longer hair.


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07 Jul 2013, 12:29 pm

I shave every time I shower, which admittedly is only ~twice a week, not daily :oops: I'm too self-conscious about anyone, even my fiance, seeing my leg and pit hair because I feel like I'm really hairy and I think I look like the abominable snowman if I don't get rid of it. I also shave other places every time-- my pubic area, toes, navel, small of my back, and sometimes fingers. I know, gross. I guess I see women hairier than me all the time, but I have kind of a complex about it or something.

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07 Jul 2013, 12:50 pm

I'm pretty hairy but I hate shaving. In the summer if my legs will show I shave about once a week from the knees down and my pits once a week. If I'm going swimming I will shave my whole leg, both legs obviously. In the winter I don't shave much at all unless I have a date.


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07 Jul 2013, 1:07 pm

I am not physically coordinated enough to do either well without injury and have scars from attempting to shave the back of my leg. Even when I try to do it there are always patches. I did not know about this until later in my teens because my mom doesn't have body hair. This can be problematic because I have received opprobrium in public a few times.


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08 Jul 2013, 1:19 am

My shaving schedule depends on my shower schedule. I shave every time I shower, unless it's more than every other day. Every other day is as much as my skin can take.

My leg hair needs shaved about every three days to stay smooth. However, it takes a very long time to shave and my muscles get sore, so I don't do it very often. Once a week is the average. I do it less in the winter, maybe once a month. My hair gets caught in my pants and sock cuffs and causes pain at that point. It's similar to a ponytail headache, I guess. I shave when my legs will be on display in public.

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08 Jul 2013, 6:37 pm

Oh, hell no.
Everything about it sounds like a pain in the backside, and you could end up with a nasty infection.

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27 Jul 2013, 9:05 am

I don't shave either area unless I plan to wear clothes which show that particular area or if I am bored. Instead of shaving cream I use a layer of moisturizer beforehand (and after I dry off if I remember). My outfits tend to involve pants and tee or long sleeved shirts so I can go weeks without shaving if I don't feel like it.

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27 Jul 2013, 10:05 am

hanyo wrote:
I never shave my legs. I haven't been shaving my armpits but sometimes I think maybe I should to control odor easier.

I did shave my armpits recently for better odor control since it was hot out.

I won't be doing that again unless I plan on not wearing deodorant that day. I recently started using one of those deodorant crystals and using that after shaving stings bad.


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27 Jul 2013, 10:30 am

I shave my legs when they become itchy, otherwise I hate shaving because it is so boring.

I shave my armpits when it's hot.