Orangez wrote:
It is in female nature to have their own in group preference. This can be seen in many ways as females want to invade traditional male spaces all the time, but, when it comes down to it they do not want their own spaces to be invade. Females usually are over protective and think they are endangered even when it is statistically proven they are more unlikely to be a victim. This is all due to evolutionary baggage, however, they still show up today as females will be afraid that they are endanger as their lizard brain is telling them so. Hence, why they are afraid of trans-women as they still believe them to be male.
What about
male nature? Sometimes us menz want to have OUR own group preferences where women aren't allowed. That's why women have been historically excluded from certain institutions and professions: Given the fact that most men(& women too) are straight, the presence of women creates sexual tension for both genders so there are times where men want to be around each other without the presence of women. And I've observed that guys do treat each other better and bond with each other under those circumstances because there's no competition for female attention and affection. That's why boys in coed schools do worse academically than boys in sex segregated schools.
But it is true that women want spaces that are exclusive to the female gender, like gender-specific restrooms, because there is the real danger of rape. But this idea that trans-women are men disguising themselves as women so they can rape cis-gendered women in public restrooms is a paranoid 2nd wave feminist delusion. Now you need to understand that
you cannot prove anything with statistics! All you can do is demonstrate likelyhood. But there IS strong statistical data that women are more likely to be victims of rape than adult men. The only circumstances where men rape each other systematically are when they are involuntarily isolated from the opposite sex. So if you're going to employ evolutionary psychology in your arguments, you need to make sure that you actually understand it.