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03 Jun 2016, 1:04 am

The least annoying bra I have found is this "front loader" from Dream Products that's pretty breathable and has snaps in the front.

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03 Jun 2016, 1:17 am

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04 Jun 2016, 7:11 pm

I can't stand wired bras any more! And I've never found one that's been a very comfortable fit, they always dig in somewhere or don't support properly or fall out of place. I love wearing the wireless and slightly elasticated t-shirt bras now, they're so much more comfortable and not as tight as sports bras, I've got them in all the colours I need (black, white, grey and beige) and you have the option to slip in padding or not. And I do find them cooler for summer too :)

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15 Jul 2016, 8:13 am

I am in my mid 50s, and have never had a comfortable bra. I live alone, and due to health issues, seldom go out, so I am able to go bra-less most of the time. I do wear one when I have to go out. One of my Asperger's traits is skin sensitivity, so I have to get seamless bras, and avoid underwire bras. My situation is further complicated by being overweight, so I need sizes bigger than most stores carry. Even when I can find sizes that fit, they ride up, and the straps fall down. I also have a problem with one breast being somewhat larger than the other, and no, I don't have implants, and won't get those. With my weight issues I would rather have my breasts reduced in size, instead of enlarged by implants.

My old bras are pretty shot. I recently bought three different new bras, in the largest sizes available in the store, thinking at least one would fit, as I lost 55 pounds over the past year. Two of the new bras were pull ons that the packaging sized as being about right for me. The packaging lied. Only a very very skinny person could pull those two bras on, so they were returned to the store. The third bra is also a sport bra, but is a stretchy front hook version. I have never had a front hook before. It is a little awkward to put on, and like the pull ons, is not designed to fit the size shown on the package. Although it is too snug, I am able to wear it because it is stretchy, and my old bras are really in bad shape, so I decided to keep it. I still need to find something better though. At least the straps stay up better than any other bras I've ever had, but the bottom band does ride up some, but that's because it's too snug. Unfortunately, this bra doesn't have extended sizes available online--I checked. It's a shame because I would have bought two or three of them. Although it is a stretchy sports bra, because it is a front hook, that keeps the breasts separated. The designers did a good job of putting some soft, thick fabric under the hooks to keep them from scratching, too. The inside front of the bra is lined with some cottony material, but no fiberfill. Overweight people don't need fiberfill, but for some reason, most large size bras seem to contain fiberfill. I long ago stopped expecting the world to be logical. I think the fabric lining helps provide more "privacy", and moisture absorption. Just my luck to finally find a bra I like, only I can't get it in my size. :roll:

For anyone interested, the bra is made by Fruit of the Loom. I don't recall the model name or number, but I don't think they have that many front hook sports bra models, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it. It comes in white, black, gray, and probably buff, as well I prefer buff, followed by white, and then black. The only one I could find in the largest size they come in, was in gray, so gray is what I got. There may have been some in that size in the white ones, but those were hanging too high up in the store for me to see what sizes they were.

Well, good luck on finding a good bra everyone. :D

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26 Jul 2016, 2:31 am

I like a t-shirt bra in the summer, but the only times I wear a bra is if I know I'm going to be doing stuff throughout the day, as I really can't go out without one. Still, as soon as I get home, the bra comes off if I know I'm not going anywhere else.


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14 Aug 2016, 4:24 am

According to the general rule, most people are wearing the wrong size or type bra. If the bra is uncomfortable - chances are it is the wrong size (someone I know thought they were a 16DD and they were actually a 14G). It also depends on what you want it for.
For heat, usually the recommendation is a sports bra as the fabric is designed to wick away the moisture. They are also pretty supportive, but it depends on your size as to what is the best type.
The other problem with bras is that sizes vary between brands.
I know the rules say not to promote a webstore etc, but I will mention this as they have the best information I have seen online - for classifying your breasts, choosing the right bra for your breasts and getting the right size. They have a system to determine a universal cup size - which works for most brands. The store is Herroom - check out the section on bra fitting.
You need to find the balance between support and comfort. The more support, the tighter and firmer the bra will be. The less support - the looser the shape.