Age1600 wrote:
Yea I agree with most of you that you should get the test done, but I'm afraid, I won't go to anybody else besides a guy a doctor, and I have been raped so many times also. I lost my virginity at the age of 15 due to rape, and when I was 7 I was molested, and between then and now, I've been sexually abused so much, seems like I'm always the victim, anyways, I'm afraid because everytime somebody just touches me, and I haven't really hung with them over a couple of months, like some stranger touching me I freak out. I become very violent, and crazy, and start panicking and shaking, and start siezing, its bad. I know I need it, I just don't know how I could ever do it unless I'm put out.
I'm sorry you hear you have had such terrible experiences, i won't pretend to know how you feel but what i will say is a good doctor will be kind, patient and be willing to listen to your fears over the pap or anything else you choose to discuss. As for other people and dealing with them, have you ever considered counselling? I gave it a go after some experiences i had, and i think it is worth a try. Take care.