Do you tend to get along better with male coworkers?
In school I was bullied more by the boys, but also the only humans in school who sometimes exchanged friendly words with me were boys.
I once worked in a factory with 90% women. It was horrible and a very angry work environment.
After that I worked in a factory in a departement where I was the only woman among 6 men, I didn't feel very welcomed there. Then I was moved to a mixed department. With one woman I got along and we used to go on walks together around the factory premises during the breaks. Then there was a 63 year old woman who came into the department, and I don't know why but she clung herself to me. She always came over to speak to me, she wanted to spend every break with me (I would have preferred either being alone in my break or walking with the other woman), she brought me cola from home every day, she gave me other things during that time (for example tupperware, a watch, lotion, boxes of chocolate) which was a strange experience because she only did that to me, and she often treated me like a grandmother. She often said in my presence to other coworkers about me "she's a pretty girl, isn't she?" I always blushed and wanted to disappear into the ground every time she did that, especially when she said that to men. I don't know why she chose me to cling to. I often felt annoyed by her because she was way too clingy, but I didn't show it. When I stopped working there she even called me a few times and we met up.
I was then at a factory in a department with 4 colleagues, again all men and I got along very poorly with them because they hated me. I wanted to quit the job. But fortunately I was moved to a different (and mixed) department then.
While I can't form friendships with women, my experience is in the workplace on the rare occasion that I do get along a bit with someone, it's with a woman.
I sense that all the men think I'm weird, and so do the women. Maybe some women are more patient or compassionate with me. At work only once a man looked past my weirdness and it was only because he wanted to become my boyfriend.
That. I realized in my youth that all of my long-term friends were all boys, and except for one, they all professed their love for me at one point. Now looking back, I bet the "exception" loved me too, but he knew I was too much of a handful for him. Now in my middle age, my long-term friends are women. I don't know why, just noticing.