christinejarvis21 wrote:
Do any other women with autism have a hard time wearing bras? I don't know my exact bra size so I just find ones in group sizes like small & medium, etc. Does anyone else do this as well?
If I have to wear a bra I normally go for like sports bras, and generally seems they just can come in small, medium or big....ususally the small size fits good for me but depending for some medium feels better. But yeah I a lot of times I don't wear one at all...but like at work I feel like maybe I should because socitety is not to a place yet where people wont freak out about seeing a female nipple through a shirt. But anymore I basically only wear a bra at work, otherwise I don't bother with it.
IDK it's just boobs, women who have babies feed them with their boobs so I don't see why we have to treat them like genitals like its just a part of our chest. LIke it is weird how at times they go overboard to censor female nipples but guys can just have their shirt off with full exposed nipples and that is ok?
like if nipples are so inappropriate men should have to cover up theirs as well.
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