riverotter wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Towel(s) at the ready, right?
I think towels are a good sex accessory no matter what.
But it's not like there will be tons of blood or anything from this.
You are stressing out a lot.
I'm not feeling any stress about it, I'm just very ignorant of this. For instance, the fact that there's not much blood -- I didn't know that, so I'm glad you said something.
riverotter wrote:
If you relax about it, it will be a lot more enjoyable for the both of you!

At least you don't have to worry about condoms or STI's or that sort of thing.
Very true. I'm relaxed about it -- at the same time, I have ignorance which I'm admitting. But as far as sex/foreplay, I'm very experienced, and am not worried one bit. The way both partners always win at love-making is to go at each other's pace at all times. Never set some high goal that you two "have to accomplish" together -- just enjoy being together.
Sex isn't a competitive sport.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.