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Anyone here been in a catfight?
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07 Feb 2008, 1:25 am

sometimes men start them just so they can watch. by cheating on their girlfriends with a friend of theirs. it has happened. not to me.


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07 Feb 2008, 3:20 am


I didn't post that to start a fight. Fact is, you'd be surprised how easy guys are to physically hurt.

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07 Feb 2008, 5:07 am

Yes...I've been in a "catfight"...but it was only to protect myself from getting physically injured. For those who say that "catfights" rarely result in people ending up in the area that I live in, that is completely untrue.

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07 Feb 2008, 5:26 am

D1nk0 wrote:
Sexist slant? c'mon now! For some stranger reason I find fistfights(in Real Life)to be highly amusing as long as
no one is seriously injured AND/OR no weapons are involved. I also like it when women compete with each other by
being direct and confronatational instead of being catty, manipulative, and deceptive. I donno why its called a catfight
but dont blame me cuz I didnt make up the term. You DO realize that women tend not to resort to fistfighting to
resolve disputes and jockey for status. Here in the US its considered EXTREMELY low class for women to be direct-especially if they're violent about it. So thats your answer, fistfights among women are less common and when they do occur it is kinda titlating. But beyond that I cant really explain my feelings any further. :wink:

Well, now it depends on what class one is from, now isn't it? Coming from a bluecollar (read po'), fighting was not for amusement, and could be dangerous. Having to hold someone's head in such a way they weren't strangling on their own blood is not sexy, especially when the flaps of their cheeks are wrapped around your hand.

As far as being a sign of a tough woman, it's a poor indicator.

However, you have explained yourself well enough that I realize it's lack of experience in the world. I'll accept that.



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07 Feb 2008, 12:35 pm

Rjaye, where are you from?

hale_bopp: I see you're from NZ. Are you Maori by any chance, hell I have no doubt there are plenty of Maori women who just might be able to beat me up-or at least hit where it would really hurt :lol: . I hear stories all the time about Pakeha's getting their asses kicked by Maori's.


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07 Feb 2008, 2:58 pm

This 'cat fight' seems more like some sort of adult version of a little girl fight (actually, I fought with fists when I was a little girl, too, but I might be the exception). I stopped 'fighting' in the casual, kid-frustration sense when I was a teenager and realized that I could seriously hurt someone. Now I have a black belt in Aikido, as well as a little bit of Karate, and if I get into a fight it won't be because I'm pissed over a boyfriend or something else stupid; if I get into a fight, it will be short, and I will win, and then I will call the police about whatever it was that started the fight in the first place.

Maybe cat fights are something NTs do; the women here don't seem to understand the point of not fighting to win.


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07 Feb 2008, 3:03 pm

sojournertruth, what if the guy is 6'3" and a body builder with a weight over 250lbs?
I think I should get back into martial arts. Not only to guarantee that I will win a fight but also in particular-if I get with a girl who's kinda big I'll be able to rest easy knowing I can slap her around if we get in a physical fight :lol: .


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07 Feb 2008, 3:12 pm

well, it's definitely more difficult to take down someone who's that big (oddly, all of the largest men I've ever met train at my dojo, but Aikido is known as a small person's martial art). The thing is, no one can attack someone else (hand to hand) withoug making themselves vulerable. Also, Aikidoka do not fight fair - insteps, knees, and groins (and, more importantly, overall balance) are all just as vulnerable on a gorilla as on a pipsqueak. Body builders also tend to have stiffer joints, which makes them easier to manipulate - and if he's like one of those disgusting guys on the covers of muscle mags, I could probably outrun him.

I'd be more concerned about a pimply pipsqueak standing 15 feet away with a gun held in steady hands than I would be about a 250 lb gorilla grabbing my wrist.

ps - that's not at all funny.


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07 Feb 2008, 3:16 pm

well, it's definitely more difficult to take down someone who's that big (oddly, all of the largest men I've ever met train at my dojo, but Aikido is known as a small person's martial art). The thing is, no one can attack someone else (hand to hand) withoug making themselves vulerable. Also, Aikidoka do not fight fair - insteps, knees, and groins (and, more importantly, overall balance) are all just as vulnerable on a gorilla as on a pipsqueak. Body builders also tend to have stiffer joints, which makes them easier to manipulate - and if he's like one of those disgusting guys on the covers of muscle mags, I could probably outrun him.

I'd be more concerned about a pimply pipsqueak standing 15 feet away with a gun held in steady hands than I would be about a 250 lb gorilla grabbing my wrist.

sojournertruth:A 250lbs bodybuilding "gorilla" could EASILY flatten your ass and YOU KNOW IT! A pipsqueak on the other hand could taser you and then cuff you before you regain consciousness. Yes attacking someone makes the attacker vulnerable but I dont care how tough you think you are because Aikido DOES NOT make you invincible my friend :wink: . What if HE is a blackbelt martial artist too?No matter how tough you may be, there's ALWAYS gonna be someone tougher out there.

Last edited by D1nk0 on 08 Feb 2008, 1:22 am, edited 2 times in total.


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07 Feb 2008, 7:49 pm

D1nk0 wrote:

hale_bopp: I see you're from NZ. Are you Maori by any chance, hell I have no doubt there are plenty of Maori women who just might be able to beat me up-or at least hit where it would really hurt :lol: . I hear stories all the time about Pakeha's getting their asses kicked by Maori's.

LOL, No.

But i've been the target for reverse racism a hell of a lot. Pretty bloody sad, just ignored it.


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08 Feb 2008, 9:02 pm

hale_bopp wrote:

I didn't post that to start a fight. Fact is, you'd be surprised how easy guys are to physically hurt.

cos u didn't reason i posted that was cos of something i read in a mag problem page. some girl wrote in about a fight she was having with another girl over a guy. now she could she that the guy was a loser and was leading them both on. from what she said he got a kick from watching them fight over him. her question was how can i make her see that he doesn't care about either of us and he just likes watching us fight?

it is easy to hurt a guy just hit below the belt. anyway does anyone agree with this statement that i read somewhere
men usually punch and kick when they fight women usually grapple.


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11 Feb 2008, 2:21 pm

D1nk0 wrote:
sojournertruth:A 250lbs bodybuilding "gorilla" could EASILY flatten your ass and YOU KNOW IT! A pipsqueak on the other hand could taser you and then cuff you before you regain consciousness. Yes attacking someone makes the attacker vulnerable but I dont care how tough you think you are because Aikido DOES NOT make you invincible my friend :wink: . What if HE is a blackbelt martial artist too?No matter how tough you may be, there's ALWAYS gonna be someone tougher out there.

*snort* yeah, maybe he has a bb in something - a bb in Brazilian jujutsu could probably flatten me pretty easily. But if he's like you, he probably stupid enough to assume that his weight and size will be enough. :)

It's not just the groin that men are vulnerable - Noses, knees, insteps, and throats are easy to crush too, even for a woman, and their balance is inevitably out if they are coming for you. All you have to do is get out of the way at the right time and add a tiny bit to their momentum.

Yeah, a taser would be just as bad as a gun. But then, he's about as likely to have a taser or a gun as I am....

I think your true colors are starting to show through.

A hint, Dinko: being a man isn't about having physical power over a woman.


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11 Feb 2008, 3:51 pm

You DO have a very good point in the last sentence sojournertruth.........

BUT, I said it before and I'll say it again: Aikido DOES NOT make you invincible, nor does it guarantee that you'll win against any opponent! NO MATTER HOW tough you may be, there is ALWAYS going to be someone out there tougher than you!! :wink:

But given your ego I DO NOT expect you to admit to it :lol: .

It's not just the groin that men are vulnerable - Noses, knees, insteps, and throats are easy to crush too, even for a woman, and their balance is inevitably out if they are coming for you. All you have to do is get out of the way at the right time and add a tiny bit to their momentum.

uh-huh. And Im also sure that your Aikido skills also give you the ability to stop a 2-ton car moving into you at 30mph :P .
I hate to disappoint you but martial arts are not magic; you're STILL bound by the laws of physics.Think collisions, momentum and Newtons 3rd law.


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12 Feb 2008, 12:48 am

If you'll read my prior posts, I've already commented on several things that would be able to beat me. I don't think that aikido makes me invincible, but I do think that it gives me an advantage over the average untrained thug who expects a victim to wilt and whimper, 'I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me!'

Laws of physics: it takes ~20 lbs of force applied to the outside of a person's leg at the knee joint to blow out that knee. Laws of physics: an object (including a human) in motion tends to stay in motion, even if the person that object meant to attack is no longer in the vulnerable position the object expected. Laws of physics(/physiology): keys/fingers inserted into human eye sockets tend to cause pain (even on very large men) and/or damage to vision.

A two-ton car is another thing that I could not beat - but, again, I'm as likely to have a large car as the other guy. Why do you find it so threatening that I'm no more likely than you to be assaulted successfully? It's like you have ego tied up in my being vulnerable.

DOJ stats on women fighting attackers in general (ie, all women, trained and untrained):Dept. of Justice fight stats

one self-defense program:
model mugging quote: Well over 60,000 women have graduated from Model Mugging courses worldwide and it is known that 206 have used their fighting skills since taking the program on an average of 2 ½ years after graduating. Of those 205 assaults, 200 (97%) graduates successfully fought off their attacker...Fighting back gives women the best results of stopping an attack. Fighting back will not guarantee success and the consequences could result in severe injury and even death. But that holds true for the other three general options as well. Women who have fought back, both avoiders and survivors, commonly feel better about themselves when recovering. Women who were successful in fighting off an assailant may still feel and suffer the effects of the post traumatic stress disorder, specifically rape trauma syndrome, but with one difference: they were victorious and won!.

here's an interesting article on self-defense and women.

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16 Feb 2008, 2:10 am

sojournertruth wrote:
If you'll read my prior posts, I've already commented on several things that would be able to beat me. I don't think that aikido makes me invincible, but I do think that it gives me an advantage over the average untrained thug who expects a victim to wilt and whimper, 'I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me!'

Laws of physics: it takes ~20 lbs of force applied to the outside of a person's leg at the knee joint to blow out that knee. Laws of physics: an object (including a human) in motion tends to stay in motion, even if the person that object meant to attack is no longer in the vulnerable position the object expected. Laws of physics(/physiology): keys/fingers inserted into human eye sockets tend to cause pain (even on very large men) and/or damage to vision.

A two-ton car is another thing that I could not beat - but, again, I'm as likely to have a large car as the other guy. Why do you find it so threatening that I'm no more likely than you to be assaulted successfully? It's like you have ego tied up in my being vulnerable.

DOJ stats on women fighting attackers in general (ie, all women, trained and untrained):Dept. of Justice fight stats

one self-defense program:
model mugging quote: Well over 60,000 women have graduated from Model Mugging courses worldwide and it is known that 206 have used their fighting skills since taking the program on an average of 2 ½ years after graduating. Of those 205 assaults, 200 (97%) graduates successfully fought off their attacker...Fighting back gives women the best results of stopping an attack. Fighting back will not guarantee success and the consequences could result in severe injury and even death. But that holds true for the other three general options as well. Women who have fought back, both avoiders and survivors, commonly feel better about themselves when recovering. Women who were successful in fighting off an assailant may still feel and suffer the effects of the post traumatic stress disorder, specifically rape trauma syndrome, but with one difference: they were victorious and won!.

here's an interesting article on self-defense and women.

That was an awesome article! Thanks for posting that link, sojournertruth!

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16 Feb 2008, 2:32 am


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