Does our society encourage abusive behaviours in women?

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18 Mar 2008, 2:56 pm

Rainstorm5 wrote:
Two reasons:

1. It's the media -- primarily movies, video games, TV, the internet and music lyrics, most of which is written by young men who like violence as an art form. Some think dominatrix-type females should be good role models for girls. Girls watch the same things and play the same games as boys do these days. So many kids are being brought up by the television instead of family, and violence is all they see. Many are sociopathic by the age of thirteen, if not sooner. It's not just their boyfriends (or even girlfriends) they abuse, it's basically anyone who pisses them off. Just read the news today. There are teenagers out there shooting people for thrills, and beating people down for the smallest slight against their character. Again, girls see this, too. Girls are just as capable of being sociopathic as boys. They know no difference between right and wrong, only what makes them happy and what makes them angry. This is what happens when things like porn and bloody violence in media/movies becomes acceptable.

2. Bad Parents. These girls were never taught that it's not right to hurt other people. Parents either abused the girls themselves or otherwise overlooked and refused to discipline them for bad behavior. Moms and Dads leave their kids in front of the TV all day long while they do their own thing and in turn the kids act out. Parent ignores them, the violent behavior is 'excused' and since there were no real consequences for the child's actions, the hurting of other people to get their way becomes part of the accepted norm. They are violent simply because they were never shown the proper way to behave. Once they're adults, the behavior patterns are set and nothing short of a near-death experience can change them -- and in most cases even that doesn't work.

You are Absolutely Correct RainStorm5. I too am bothered at how many young women these days seem to have the attitude that anything goes as far as how they treat other people. But some myths really die hard...and one of those myths
that seems to endure is the myth of the "fair sex". The notion that women are less selfish and more altruistic. This is what I was taught and it took me well into my college years to understand the fact that Women are just as MEAN, CRUEL, and SELFISH as Men! Howerver they often arent as physically violent. What I find very ironic about those girls taking about beating up and/or killing their boyfriends is the fact that women generally seem to be FAR less jealous and vindictive than men when it comes to relationships. Whenever a woman gets dumped and she starts stalking her ex-bf, it makes the news because its rather uncommon. I think I started a threat a long while ago about why women for the most part dont stalk NEARLY as much as men do.


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18 Mar 2008, 3:02 pm

Might I add: if Anyone hits me hard enough and in a place that could cause injury I AM going to strike back even harder!
It makes NO DIFFERENCE to me what the sex of the person attacking me is :wink: .


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18 Mar 2008, 3:05 pm

All people are abusive. Our society is driving us insane. We are like domesticated rats trapped in sardine-tin cages in a clinical, perpetually lit laboratory, constantly surveyed and unable to escape from one another. We are kept entertained, but our natural instincts are suppressed and subverted, driving us slowly in on ourselves in a fit of self-destructive rage.

D1nk0 wrote:
Might I add: if Anyone hits me hard enough and in a place that could cause injury I AM going to strike back even harder!
It makes NO DIFFERENCE to me what the sex of the person attacking me is :wink: .

Unless they cut off all your limbs, as in Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight scene.

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19 Mar 2008, 10:05 am

I guess violent female characters in media is... a backlash or something against the damsel in distress etc. But yeah, I find it annoying that a female character who acts like a b***h is supposed to be strong. :|


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27 Mar 2008, 12:24 pm

I dont like the trend of women belittling men any better than if it were a man belittling a woman. If a woman is going to hit, then there should at least be defense on the male side. If you dish it, you better be willing to take it. These types of girls are not doing feminism any favors when they resort to bullying a boyfriend. They are perpetuating the 'b***h' mentality. Husbands and boyfriends get tired of dealing with that sh#@. It gets really old, REALLY quick. Would you want to be with someone who treats you like a piece of crap, and is supposed to LIKE you? Mixed signals here much? Stay away from those types... they are destined to be miserable and/or alone with that attitude.


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10 May 2008, 9:40 am

D1nk0 wrote:
women for the most part dont stalk NEARLY as much as men do.

Or maybe it just isn't percieved as such as often?


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18 Jul 2008, 10:14 pm

LabPet wrote:
slowmutant wrote:
I think a certain level of misogyny is inherent in Western culture, so much so that it has saturated and sublimated. That being said, I have two sisters who could each of them kick my ass. Fiery ones, they are.

slowmutant, if you sister's are too fiery threaten them with a fire extinguisher! Or throw some sodium bicarbonate on them. Hah!

Or throw a bucket of water on them and watch them melt. Bwa-ha-ha. :twisted:

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.


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19 Jul 2008, 12:02 am

It isn't just women. Everyone is encouraged to be aggressive toward everyone else. If you walk over someone else, you're strong and admired. Otherwise you're weak and despised. The most aggressive are put on pedestals until their actions are deemed illegal or otherwise unacceptable. The Enron bosses were lionized until the scandal broke. The most recent economic bombs came from ultra aggressive credit card and home loan marketing with huge bonuses and honors to the top sellers. Now top execs at Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, UBS and CIBC were fired. This forum and many others are full of stories of abusive bosses and the employees they ran off. Those bosses are abusive because their top management demands and rewards it.

Los Angeles police have a siege mentality stemming from the 1950's. It used to be considered the right way for police to operate. Not since the Rodney King beating. Cops used to routinely collect bribes from local small-time crooks in some cities. Now it's grounds for prosecution.

We love the bad-ass boys and girls in our tv shows and movies. The penultimate American hero is the rule-breaker who blows off incompetent authority and saves the day through sheer personal power and knowing better than everybody else. Look at "The Last Action Hero". Okay, mea culpa from a Chuck Norris fan. :oops:

When I was growing up, rule-breakers in games were kicked out or otherwise penalized. These days the rule-breakers get multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts with merchandising deals and all the honors society can muster. Until something they do (like doping) suddenly falls out of favor. Even if cheaters are fined and dishonored, the people who played fair and lost don't get back what was taken unfairly. People who follow the rules and try to build based on mutual cooperation are sneered at, taken advantage of and called f**king fools. Honor has left the building.

When you're stronger than someone else it can seem easier to beat them into submission than to talk them into cooperation. And our society does love the fast, easy answer doesn't it? Problem is, the beaten won't do as much or try as hard as the respected. But that's okay as long as the work of the beaten is "good enough for now". That makes it cost-effective on the General Ledger and the best route to advancement and rewards. As an Aspie on another forum observed, the rule now is "burn 'em and turn 'em".

Don't forget that women have been mostly second-class citizens for over five thousand years. Women in the U.S. who went to college were "encouraged" to major in Home Economics so they could marry well and be good wives. Women who did otherwise had to work harder than their male classmates and endure their professors' hostility. And if the husband was abusive, so what? Marriage is for better or for worse. She was expected to keep a rolling pin or cast-iron skillet handy if she objected. Look at the old "Andy Capp" comics, for example. Unless bones were broken or blood was gushing the police let it go. Then a battered wife sued a nonresponsive police department and won. I think that was less than 40 years ago. Now cops assume the man is the aggressor so the department won't get sued. Besides, it's an easy assumption. Of course, some women use that to dominate their husbands. Assholery favors neither gender.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I think I kept some stuff to myself too long. :oops:

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.


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19 Jul 2008, 5:41 pm

MysteryFan3 wrote:
Don't forget that women have been mostly second-class citizens for over five thousand years.

Really?...let's get the worthless people off the sinking boat first, and let the ones we value drown...let's hold doors open for second-class citizens and stand up when they enter the room...let's build a society where it's frowned upon (to say the least) to assault (or even insult) a 'second class' citizen, while the 'first class' citizens get conscripted to die in trenches when there's a war on or paid a pittance to die in mines, on trawlers and anywhere there's dirty, dangerous work to be done.

Someone somewhere else said women were powerless - I consider the ability to instil in an entire generation a lie so audacious that it isn't even shaken seeing the truth reflected all around you to be a considerable power myself.


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19 Jul 2008, 5:46 pm

Yes women are f*****g powerless POWERLESS I TELL YOU

until you see the other side of me

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19 Jul 2008, 6:58 pm

jiggeryqua wrote:
Really?...let's get the worthless people off the sinking boat first,

"Women and children first," isn't it? So maybe they're not seen as worthless, but yeah.


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19 Jul 2008, 7:23 pm

Lurv wrote:
jiggeryqua wrote:
Really?...let's get the worthless people off the sinking boat first,

"Women and children first," isn't it? So maybe they're not seen as worthless, but yeah.

Women and children first, yes. I confess, I fail to understand your comment (possibly because it doesn't appear to contain any actual meaning without access to a lot of what you're thinking in your head...but that would be unsurprising on an aspie forum).

You've emphasised the 'worthless', suggesting that you concede that men have accorded women some 'worth' over the last 5000 years...but also implying that being the class that gets saved from a sinking ship is still somehow 'second class' while being allowed the privilege of drowning is reserved for the 'first class' citizens?

I'm sure you're more or less aware of the biological differences between men and women - those that are entirely uncontroversial are all related to the differing roles the sexes play in the continuation of the species (or the dynasty, family, tribe, nation). That's where the motivation to save 'women and children' comes from - not from some spurious mythical association of women with what you apparantly consider to be negative values of children. 'Child', by the way, is only an insult if you're a teenager - you likely didn't much mind it a few years ago and when you mature you'll likely learn to value children too, as both men and women do. Being saved along with children isn't an insult - it's being accorded a status greater than those left to drown...

It is entirely possible that the lie is so audacious that you will now endeavour to demonstrate that being left to drown is truly a privilige denied to women.

If you'd like to elaborate on your comment, I can more effectively demolish your objection to one tiny part of my post. Maybe then you can try and find some spurious counter to the other points I made.


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19 Jul 2008, 8:37 pm

jiggeryqua, this is your last warning. I find you posting in the Women's forum again, I'll ban you.

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Rises as gladly in the single tree
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19 Jul 2008, 9:04 pm

Last warning? There hasn't been a first. You did appear once to ask why I was here (though you didn't ask other men who were also here, nor did you answer whether you were a man, though I'm guessing you are, 'MrMark' - how very patronising of you, by the way, to imagine that the women of the forum need a male moderator to protect you honestly view women as weak and feeble and endangered by the truth?)

I'll point out (again) that one of the women here had invited me to stay. None of the women so far have asked me to leave. No-one has offered any justification for this apartheid forum (although I note again that other men have posted here without your 'warnings'). I did just look at the main listings - I see this section is described as somewhere where women can 'feel safe' to 'be themselves'. Have you considered moderating the entire forum in such a way that anyone can feel safe to be themselves? Do you offer men a forum where I can post obvious truths that counter the ignorant bigotry that passes as feminism for some posters?

I will say again, I post in topics that interest me - I rarely take notice of which section they've been posted in. I took particular interest in this topic because I've encountered violently and socially abusive women in various places, often supported by well-meaning (but ultimately deluded) males like you. I have only just become aware that this thread is in the women's forum - before your 'warning', I grant you, but after you neglected to offer any rational response to your last communication with me (see above) - I thought perhaps, since you had nothing to say, that you'd seen quite how foolish you were being.

Yes, I know, calling you foolish won't help - but you're going to ban me anyway, for telling the truth to people who've swallowed a bigoted lie. I don't think that's competent moderation, I don't think it's civilised, progressive, honest, decent or in any sense a positive move. I think you're defending the right of women to be 'themselves' - which seems to mean, for you, the right to perpetuate a supremacist, separatist vision. It may come as a surpise, MrMark, but women are individuals too. Nobody, however, has the individual right to bigotry, nor do women have a collective right to it.

Bless you, MrMark - you must do whatever you think is right, however wrong it might be.


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19 Jul 2008, 9:11 pm

PS Am I allowed to read what the women type, and then tut, sigh, shake my head and throw my hands up in despair, so long as I don't actually post here? Would you have a problem with my cutting and pasting some of the more deluded bigotry and exposing it on a thread outside the women's forum? I think it's as well to ask, since apparantly first warnings are also last warnings and you sound very butch and fierce and whatnot, so I'll be wary of doing anything at all in case it provokes your masculine anger again...

What am I saying? That's two more posts in the women's forum, so I'm banned anyway...


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19 Jul 2008, 9:31 pm

Women's Forum Sticky

I don't know if that will work - it's a link to the sticky at the top of the thread list for the women's forum. It says "By all means males can post in here, but please respect what the thread title asks. If you are a lady and you don't want males butting in, please state in the topic name that it is for females. "

I take it then, MrMark, that your objection to me is solely in the interests of protecting a partisan political position? Definitely poor moderation then...

Where are the 'People of Colour' and 'Jewish' forums, by the way, where peoples who have genuinely been persecuted, enslaved and treated like second-class citizens (if treated like citizens at all) can feel 'safe' to 'be themselves'? The fact that women have a forum is yet another indicator of how untruthful the myth of powerless women really is. Again: moderate the entire forum so that anyone, male or female, is 'safe' to 'be themselves' anywhere.