Manders wrote:
MotownDangerPants wrote:
Bisexual. I'ts not something I talk about much because it's a just label and I;m not so crazy about how trendy it's become but if anyone asked me I'd tell them. It's not something I hide.
I'm the same way. I wouldn't have to announce if I was straight, so I don't go announcing my sexual preferences. I suppose that's why everyone's so shocked that I've got something going on with a woman.
Exactly. Sorry to reply two months later LOL. I got distracted.
Yes. it's who I am but the idea that someone's sexual preferences should become such a huge part or nearly ALL of their identity is a little bit strange to me. I just see a lot of lesbian and bisexual women who seems like that is all the define themselves by. Also, I feel like being gay or bisexual s SUCH a natural occurance that it shouldn't really have to be mentioned constantly or be something that needs to be explained to other people. I am so baffled by the trials and tribulations gay people have to go through just to be themselves and to do something that is completely NATURAL.
I do understand though, why some lesbians and gay people define themselves by their sexuality. They have no choice in the matter, they are in the minority and they cannot live a straight lifestyle some of the time like a bisexual person can and they are always viewed as different by society, so I understand their need to assert themselves upfront and let people know that they are proud of who they are. It can be a little exhausting at times, but it isn't their fault, they have to do those things because society is telling them that they are defective.
Bisexual people don't have it AS rough, IMO. Flame away but I've never had to face most of the social issues that a gay person faces. I've had relationships with mostly men, and when you are living a straight lifestyle you have the advantage of being perceived as a a straight person by society, because of that being bisexual isn't something I feel like I need to announce all the time and it's not a huge part of my identity. I am not ashamed though, I would tell someone if I were asked, and many people do know. I even talk about it it casual conversation if it comes up.
If I were in a relationship with a woman I would feel more compelled to defend my identity but otherwise it isn't much of an issue for me.