Extreme issues about breasts and female body
A good friend of mine had similar issues. Only the other way around so to speak.
He did have a gender change from man to woman and regrets it very much since he came into contact with a good shrink.
The fact was he believed women are simply better off then men. It sounds to me you think men are better of then women. From the viewpoint of a man they do; actually. Women have way more clothes to choose from, they can dress up any way they want and still be concidered normal, as opposed to men who really can't wear tight's, skirts and heels in public. That's one example. But the most important issue is: Women just have to 'be' in order to get laid, men have way more difficulties to get a woman into bed than the other way around. Have you ever heard of a woman think about herself that way? I sure haven't. If only because women are less preoccupied with sex. That's the female wiring you are talking about. Men don't think about men the way you do... you think of men as being better because you are a heterosexual woman.
Insecurity about yourself is not a gender issue. It is about comparing yourself to others, seeing they seem happier than you and thus wanting what they have.
I can relate to you about being overly sensitive in your breasts. I have that too... i can't stand anyone lightly touching them (the thought makes me shiver, and not in a good way). Like you I'll have my husband cupping them rather firmly, at once... just to make sure he doesn't stroke them unintentionally *yikes*.
I feel similar to a lot of people who have posted here.. i was actually going to make a post about it myself before I saw this one.
I just feel.. incredibly sick of people assuming things of me just because I am a woman. Of the messages, and shame, and have-to's that men doesn't seem to have.
I don't really loathe my breasts specifically, more my fat and general femaleness and how it seems weak... I don't really associate with most women I see, quite the opposite. But neither do I feel like a man, or even want to feel like it. I'm just fed up of society and media telling me what a woman is supposed to be, because I am one and it is nothing like what they are promoting. I don't really want to have a gender..
I also get mortally sick of being told I should be a certain way because I'm a female. I'm supposed to be nurturing, I'm supposed to be really really nice and socially adept and smile all the time, I'm supposed to focus primarily on relationships and connection...Vlech. Puke. Go away.
To be fair to people though this is slowly changing. Younger women and teens show less of this attitude, and hopefully it will phase out of people's perception of the world altogether.
That said, there seems to be a new fashion for biological determinism. There is a whole genre of books by stupid medical quacks about how women and men are vastly different and can't help being wired that way, and how anyone who doesn't fit an exact gender profile is 'abnormal'. I saw one, I forget the name, that actually purported to explain 'why men want sex and women need love'. Both sexes want both sex and love, usually, and what's this about needing love? I like some social contact but I am certainly not suffering for want of being 'in love'. It's alarming how even mature and competent adults eat up this hyperbole and accept it as fact. Many people are so easily molded by what others tell them. O_O.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
Oya, I "love" books and articles what tell me I'm asexual and cold. And I can't read maps, but I love gossip, meetings and soap operas. And I can think only about men and if I am sexy enough... or maybe my best friend, this b**ch?
But I am not asexual, no way. I may seem cold, because of AS. I love maps, I am usually a navigator because of spatial thinking and GPS inside. I recognize colours very well, because I'm visual thinker. But I don't remember their names the same as people's names. Gossip and soap operas make me sick. Men ARE and nothing more.
Change Your Frequency, when you're talking to me!
Das gehört verboten! http://tinyurl.com/toobigtoosmall size does matter after all
My Industrial Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBo5K0ZQIEY
I am more male than female. I have a typically male cognitive profile. I live like a male and dress like one, although a quite androgynous one: I occasionally wear eye liner and earrings. I am also bisexual. If there were an opportunity to choose to start over, I would just choose a male body because it would suit me more. I do not want to alter the current one. I cannot bear to have anything changed or removed; even blemishes I hate.
I feel entirely natural living as mostly male. I am very isolated, which helps. The way females are portrayed feels very alien to me and I cannot relate to it; there is an extreme emphasis on appearance and youth. I mentioned this once to a mental health professional but he ignored it. I explore and experiment with my gender a lot more these days and do not deny either my male or female sides or allow outside messages to interfere.
I'm not against being female, I wouldn't change sex, no way. But I'm against stupid thinking that I can't count or use maps, because I'm a girl. And that recognizing colours is stupid... why?!
I have heard one day: if men had a period, it would be a sacrament. Don't feel worse, dear girls!
Oh, if about period... I was taught what-is-what when I was about 5. But when I had it first time, I was a little disgusted - oh s**t, I'm not Mensch-Maschine! Kind of loss, so I didn't want any celebration or sth.
Change Your Frequency, when you're talking to me!
Das gehört verboten! http://tinyurl.com/toobigtoosmall size does matter after all
My Industrial Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBo5K0ZQIEY
Seems like there's a lot of shame in this thread about being female.
Perhaps some of us including females think females are suppose to behave or act a certain way????
Anyway I never really identified myself as being very feminine or at least the kind feminine I see on tv and read in magazines and books. Yes there are times I envy the way some women look on TV or at least wish I looked like archetype men find attractive. On the otherhand, I realize it can attract the wrong type of men which unfortunately even I've experienced more than my fair share.
Internally I never identified as being the "mommy" type, gold digger, or sex pot . I do however find myself identifying almost exclusively with the male characters I see in movies or in books. The type of male characters that are smart and get away with being odd or a bit eccentric. I've never been the one to get in dramas or really fit in with the sociological archetype of women in general. Oddly though I never did make many female friends. It seems even with the lack of friendships, I end up having more guy friends. Not sure exactly why. I do have a strong sexual drive but I'm not the so-called "slu*ty" type who's out and about hooking up with men. So I don't think I've been able to give myself a gender label. I'd like to think of myself as a little bit of both, yen and yang.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
I have just had one of my "I hate being female" moments...
Long and excessively detailed story short, my mom needed a heavy stone garden ornament moving, and my disgusting soft incubator-body doesn't have the contractile strength to do it myself...so...she asked this guy to do it.
I was standing outside watching him lift it...and I just died inside. I know this is trivial and I shouldn't be so pissed about it, but I am. I hated watching him effortlessly lift a big hunk of stone without hurting himself when I can't. I would love to have that kind of power. Never have to ask anyone for help.
And I ran off to the bathroom to calm down, and I was looking at myself in the mirror, and I just saw this pathetic soft-bodied maggot-creature, a useless fragile waterbag with no function but to be impregnated and pump out babies. And I flipped out, and grabbed a handful of my own arm and dug my nails in as if my skin were my most hated enemy, and I now have 2 lovely visible marks that look as if made by an animal's claws, which I shall have to cover over with my sleeve...
And the one reason I am not flipping out yet again is my young cat is sitting next to me. She's my baby, my daemon. I have no hate in me when I'm around her.
So yeah. I am pissed off at being born into a pathetic soft body that is made for having babies and not for anything useful. I feel like Agent Smith when he was transferred into a human body...'...being encased in this piece of meat...the stink of it filling every breath...nothing this weak is meant to survive.'
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
Just because you are female doesn't mean that you are weak or couldn't lift that heavy stone. You simply haven't trained your body to do it.
I'm a female & I can lift heavy stuff and I do martial arts. There is nothing about my body that is preventing me from doing anything I want to do.
Please don't be offended when I say bad things about the female body. It is just how I feel about MY body.
I do not believe in gender differences in the way that most people seem to, so I feel no different from a man, except that I have this ridiculous (to me) body that makes people assume things about me when they see it. It makes them listen to me less, take me less seriously etc. All these things have been proven in experiments about how men relate to women vs. other men. There is nothing in my mind that makes me different from a man and there is certainly nothing in my mind that means I am not to be taken seriously. It is all about my body.
Of all the feminine aspects that I hate about my body, probably my (short) height is the worst, but some men are short and they have to put up with it so we can leave that aside. I just feel like a very short man, in that respect. I can tell you that being a very short man is pretty awful, but there we are.
The thing that I get most upset about is my breasts. They are average size and by all accounts very "nice" breasts. If I take an objective view I can see that they would look OK on a woman. But I don't want them. I don't like having a vagina either and would prefer a penis but like the height that is something i can just about live with. The breasts, that is what makes this really difficult for me. They feel like disgusting blobs hanging off my body. It feels so unfair that they are stuck right on the front of me like that. In the day I wear a tight crop-top/bra thing that minimises them but when I walk about naked at night I am absolutely horrified by them swinging about. They are not mine (it feels like) and do not belong on my body. I am so frustrated by them hanging there that it makes me want to cry, and on occasion I do cry. My boyfriend likes them and wants to touch them and objectively I see that this is fair enough, but I often only let him rouch them by plonking his hand on one of them directly, not brushing or stroking because that is too much sensation for me. I take his hand and plonk it on my breast myself to avoid him brushing against it by mistake.
The thing that really horrifies me is that my female body is actually WIRED UP in a female way and that means that stimulation of my nipples produces a sexual effect in a physical mechanical way and sometimes I actually have a physical desire for it and I will let him do more than just plonk his hand because I need to have the physical effects of it. My mind just has to go blank at these moments. When I get aroused I feel a sensation in my nipples and again this is extremely unpleasant and disgusting on a mental level. Sometimes I have to stop having sex and just curl up and wait, cringing in horror, for the arousal to subside.
I have looked on the internet for like-minded people and support groups but all I can find are people wanting sex-change surgery (i don't want it - I want therapy - I want to be able to love the body I have, not chop it to pieces!!) or people saying they hate their breasts because they aren't "nice".
This is exactly how I feel!! I hate how they touch my skin so I always tuck my shirt under them when I'm wearing PJs so I can try to forget about them.
But it has been helping me a lot to just think about it from a large perspective.. to just look at my life and what is important. Then I can see that having boobs or not having them is really not very important. D:
They still bug me a lot when I have nothing to do, but when I am working on a project or a job, my body and my looks don't matter anymore, and I don't even notice them sometimes now. And when I'm with my BF, I just think about how much HE enjoys it, which makes me happy even though I don't enjoy how it feels when he touches them. I think I will be able to get over it this way. Even though they seem like "just distractions", I think they are genuine and real distractions and not just an empty way to occupy my mind. In fact, being bothered by my body is the thing that's empty.
So.. yeah.
Maybe this will be a slightly helpful post, lol.
I wish you good luck getting over your problems. D:
PS I just saw your other post. I have these friends.. two sisters who are very physically strong. One is training to get into the Olympics (at the moment she's literally first in the world in her sport, in her weight class.. in either gender) and the other could have been world-class in weight lifting if she hadn't opted for a different career. So they prove to me that girls can do amazing things with their bodies. Some of us might have to exercise more to get there, but so do some boys. Lots of boys I know are weak or out of shape. It doesn't matter what gender, some people are naturally sturdier, some are naturally weaker, and EVERYONE can become stronger with work.
"You gotta keep making decisions, even if they're wrong decisions, you know. If you don't make decisions, you're stuffed."
- Joe Simpson
I've just seen your post and I want to offer my empathy for you feeling so bad.
I can't stand it when people even assume that I can't lift something. If anyone gives me a chance, I will try to lift anything put in front of me - I've had some very scary experiences where I've been in danger of breaking my back and once to my eternal shame I dropped someone's computer monitor - those big old CRTs are a bugger - and broke it.
Usually I just struggle, narrowly avoiding destruction of the object/myself/both. It is silly and I shouldn't do it - not because of my gender as such but just because I have, like everyone, a limit to what I can safely and comfortably lift! However, I keep doing it because I am convinced that if I can't lift anything then everyone will label me WEAK WOMAN in their minds.
I feel sad reading your post because it is antithetical to your previous ones about doing sport and feeling strong ... Maybe what you need to focus on is the fact that not all men would have been able to lift the garden thing. If you are in good shape then you are already doing better than a great percentage of the population, male or female!
I have a dream of getting my energy back (I have fatigue issues on top of the rest ... sigh), starting to run and swim and lift weights and getting my body as lithe and hard and muscular as I sensibly can ... as "unfeminine", if you want to put it that way ... but ultimately I am still such a small person (5'5", short arms, short legs) and I envy people (it is usually men) who have nice big long legs and arms. Having long arms really helps with carrying things. You don't have to be that strong to carry something safely and comfortably if you have long enough arms to get a good grip and hold it steady.
I'm sorry you feel so bad and I hope that you are feeling better now and seeing things from a wider perspective
I'm a female & I can lift heavy stuff and I do martial arts. There is nothing about my body that is preventing me from doing anything I want to do.
I DO work out heavily. I still can't lift that much. I'm told I am strong "for a girl" but not that f*****g powerful. I know it was stupid and a way disproportionate reaction...but it was the fact that I had to ask for help that really cut me...
@Anomie, thanks for understanding *hugs*
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
I feel the same way as Mechanicalgirl and Anomie...
It's also so unfair that an untrained guy can still be stronger than a woman who works out. I can work out like crazy and still only be average in their world. It bugs me as I love martial art.. I can train with guys, but should it turn serious our should I want to do full contact I wouldn't stand a chance. It feels like this effing wall; I'll never be one of them because they don't think I can hold my own.. and I probably wouldn't be able to. Sometimes I feel like they just play along and make stuff easier for me and it kills me.
And the idea that my body is supposed to be able to make babies freak me out. I can only imagine the feeling of loosing control and this thing getting the better of you. It even changes your brain chemistry among other things it makes you more inclined to take risks with your own life should your kid be in danger. I'm not saying it's wrong.. but it's scary and I don't want any part of it. It feels.. parasitic. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone by saying it like this.
I use the pill so I won't have to get my period (witch just reminds me of the weakness associated with being female), and the fact that the pill fools your body into thinking it is pregnant is something I'm still getting used to.
It also feels very devaluating. Like I'm only worth what i can press out and not what I actually do. Especially since so much advice that is aimed at me as a woman is in case I get a kid.. like piercings and food and medication and life choices and gahh.. It's not like I identify with being male more than I do with being female, but it must be so freeing not to have this thrown at you all the time! I can't stand the moralization and the assumptions that that is what I should do.
Not all untrained guys are stronger than women who train. There are some guys out there who are, for a better word, kinda wimpy & couldn't lift anything remotely heavy to save themselves. Also, it's testosterone that really builds muscle, so yes, women are at a disadvantage. Yes, it can be annoying, but I refuse to beat myself up over something I can't change.
There are women out there who can lift amazing amount of weight and yes, some of that is due to genetics, but most of it is due to really hard work. My girlfriend started weight training about 2 years ago and she can now deadlift about 120kg (264lbs). I would like to see someone call her weak simply because she is female.
We might not be as strong as the men, but we are by no means absolutely incompetent either.
I have no desire to have my own biological kids, but I don't hate myself because my body has that ability. For some women it is a very powerful thing to be able to create life and that is a very good thing. It just simply isn't that way for me. The sooner my periods decide to stop, the happier I would be. They are so inconvenient.
Also, try to see what it must be like for a guy who isn't strong being shown pictures all day of men with big muscles and being taunted cause they can't carry heavy things. Life isn't always better on the other side, it is just different.
I'm not trying to make light of anyone's issues here saying that they don't matter. But I feel it may help to realise that people see things differently to the way you do and maybe understanding that might help you to reach some self-acceptance.
There are women out there who can lift amazing amount of weight and yes, some of that is due to genetics, but most of it is due to really hard work. My girlfriend started weight training about 2 years ago and she can now deadlift about 120kg (264lbs). I would like to see someone call her weak simply because she is female.

We might not be as strong as the men, but we are by no means absolutely incompetent either.
I have no desire to have my own biological kids, but I don't hate myself because my body has that ability. For some women it is a very powerful thing to be able to create life and that is a very good thing. It just simply isn't that way for me. The sooner my periods decide to stop, the happier I would be. They are so inconvenient.
Also, try to see what it must be like for a guy who isn't strong being shown pictures all day of men with big muscles and being taunted cause they can't carry heavy things. Life isn't always better on the other side, it is just different.
I'm not trying to make light of anyone's issues here saying that they don't matter. But I feel it may help to realise that people see things differently to the way you do and maybe understanding that might help you to reach some self-acceptance.
Thanks for your perspective

'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
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