AuroraBorealisGazer wrote:
goofygoobers wrote:
My mom had a Ken doll similar to this. I even played with it when I was a kid. I think hers may be an older version. The one she had had a removable hand and you could move his wrists (I think his elbows too, but I don't remember).
Hahaha, I hope it was an older version! Though for a second there I was like "jeezus, how old am I?!"
This one was from 1994...though I think mine might have been the 96 one. But apparently they've been making them for a lot longer than I thought.
The one she had was from the late 70's.

This looks just like the one she had. (Sorry, the edit function doesn't seem to be working for me. I kept clicking on it but nothing happened.) Oh yeah, it was just his wrists that you could move!