All my life. Except by my one and only soulmate...sigh
Right now, it seems everyone where I live thinks I'm a b***h because of the following things:
1. on male neighbor who is a chauvinist pig, who punched his wife in the EYE (she is very sweet and I love her dearly), decided to tell me that I should stay in my apartment more, send my son to school and not homeschool, etc...and I basically in as nice a words as I could told him "if my son or I go to your home and bother you, you let me know....however, inside my home, I make the rules".
2. a crazy church lady here allowed her 5yr old grandson to be badly beaten by his dad, ie. her son in her apartment...I was appalled as he as my son's friend...I went to talk to her thinking the boy had a fight with another kid...she told everyone I called CPS on her (I did not because I did not know what had truly happened, I would've had I known)...she also never wears a bra, weighs about 300lbs and wears tiny shorts...she saw me ONCE in short shorts and a tank top and started talking about me wearing such shorts (we live at an apartment ON THE BEACH and I was cleaning my apartment and we have no central air), she asked me for a favor once and told me it was her present to her niece...I spent over a week doing a video, editing,, etc...FOR FREE...later I found out she actually CHARGED 300USD for MY WORK and didn't pay me a cent...needless to say, I tell my husband I can't stand her and everyone thinks I am a b***h because this is the Christian woman who is always praying here
3. some women have decided to constantly tell me "you should do something with your like women who are dressed up all the time...etc..." I have not told them off, but have basically stopped trying to socialize with them as I think it's none of their business...thus, everyone thinks I am an anti-social b***h
4. my dog (RIP now) got sick from all the inconsiderate neighbors who took out their dogs and didn''t pick up the poop...I am fed up with them being so inconsiderate and constantly call the administration to complain and tell anyone who complains about it how I feel those people are inconsiderate...becasue of it, I am also considered a b***h
5. I live in a country where 90% are Catholic...on Good Friday one son of a resident decided to have a huge party with very loud music (We could hear inside our apartment even with AC on) and nasty rap music...all the neighbors were upset as they all observed the holiday...I'm actually agnostic, but believe in respecting others especially when they cannot even have peace inside their own home...I told the kid (idiot 20+yr old) "I think you need to turn down the music a bit because alot of people are complaining and they are going to end up calling the cops and that will be the end of the party..." 30 minutes later the cops had over 10 complaints...everyone called anonimously...I am the b***h because I went to the kid and told him "you should lower it to avoid problems..."
So, yes, I am constantly called a b***h and I am sick of it!