I am a terrible housekeeper. I clean all of the dirty things, but junk mail piles up and the whole place is pretty cluttered. I don't know why I just can't seem to get on top of it. I see it and don't know where to begin, so I don't. It causes me a lot of anxiety, actually. I am a great cook and baker, though. My dh gets frustrated because I am a stay at home mom, but I remind him all the time that I take care of the kids and cook 2-3 meals per day (my youngest and I have food allergies, so it's all from scratch) and I can't keep up w/ all of the cleaning on top of that. We need to hire a once a week maid, but we're too poor right now. When dh graduates, hopefully that will change (he'll be getting his PhD in chemistry in less than a year.)