I'm really careful to always have the feminine necessities with me at all times. In fact, they are eberrywhere. In my bags, all of them, in my clothing pockets, many of them, so it's verry merry berry likely that I will pull out one of them while I am trying to access something else. As a result, I have never had an unfortunate period attack. But I was eggstremely traumatized by this whole new eggsperience when I got my period when I was 13. It was a horrible eggsperience for that summer to get used to it, and I was disappointed that such a thing had to take place for many years of my life.
After reading this thread, I think that I might need to add some panties to some of my bags. Maybe in the glove box of the car eggswell. Or the sunglasses compartment, no one evar looks there.