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21 Jan 2013, 7:42 am

I am not really male or female, I am a space alien from a planet where we are literally the best of both sexes. OK kidding. :P

If there's anything at all I like about being a women, it's that I can be interested in cute, childlike things and get away with it more than a man would, like fairies or stuffed animals or the color pink, although I know the real reason it's more socially acceptable for females is because such things are considered "inferior" to "guy" things. That's why no one had a problem with my occasionally playing with action figures (which are really dolls but they just call them that so boys will play with them) as a kid but if my brother played with Barbies I'm sure would be totally different. Well, I'm sure my parents would be more accepting than many if he did. My brother knew how to cook and do housework before he even left home. :)

Oh, and also when I see how a lot of men act, the more I'm TGIF (Thank God I'm Female). :P Apparently many if not most men were not raised to be gentlemen like my brother and my dad. Just the other day I was watching Family Feud and one of the questions was "Name something a guy has his mother come do for him after he moves out" like laundry and junk. I can't imagine my brother letting my mother to come do chores for him even if she offered to and if he didn't live hundreds of miles away from us now!

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21 Jan 2013, 12:13 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
Just the other day I was watching Family Feud and one of the questions was "Name something a guy has his mother come do for him after he moves out" like laundry and junk. I can't imagine my brother letting my mother to come do chores for him even if she offered to and if he didn't live hundreds of miles away from us now!

I had a next door neighbor whose mother came and Spring cleaned his house. I was pretty well disgusted, since she showed up at dawn and this guy lived right next door to me! :evil:

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Tufted Titmouse
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30 Jan 2013, 10:24 am

I hate being a woman. I take offense if anyone even tells me I have the 'positive' stereotypical female attributes. I guess being a woman, to me, means being uncomfortable in my own skin and people making incorrect assumptions about me.

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30 Jan 2013, 3:26 pm

I also dislike being thought of as a possible sexual partner before being considered as a human being.

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
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30 Jan 2013, 8:25 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
It means being a second class citizen in most societies on earth. It means my appearance mattering a lot more than I'd like it to. I don't like it and I never have.

Ditto to this. Being female wouldn't factor in to my thoughts about my identity were it not for the way it makes other people react to me.

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24 Feb 2013, 8:36 am

• Various hormone fluctuations all… month… long.
• Painful cramps and period life interruptions.
• Cycle migraines
• Birth control side effects
• Public induced multi self confidence issues (genrally with physical appearance) if you choose not to be the 'average female' look.
• Slut if you choose to date a lot
• Ice queen if you choose not to date at all
• Waste of time if you choose not to have kids
• Money lender to lazy men who choose not to work
• Paid less than the average man doing the same job
• Less likely to get certain jobs then men
• Less sensitive then men (contrary to popular belief)
• Less able to handle stressful situations then men.

Men have it easy. I wish I had had a choice.