I don't want kids, and i don't like kids?

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25 Dec 2012, 5:43 am

I don't hate kids, I just don't want any of my own. I am quite content with my aunt status. (I don't think this feeling will change somehow).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Dec 2012, 12:01 pm

nocturneofshadow7 wrote:
Just wondering if this is a common aspie thing, People tell me my maternal instincts will develop but I haven't developed them at all. Everytime i hear a baby cry i cringe. I don't even like being around kids because they are too noisy. And bother my sensory issues. Anyone else feel the same way? Because im tired of people calling me a cold hearted b.. just because i dont' like kids. Though i don't want to harm them.

My mother shouldn't have had me... or any of her kids... because she beat us up...

I have reactive hypoglycemia... it might make me sensitive to noise, allergies too... but I'm wired this way... but when I get sugar crashes... I can become extremely violent... ever wonder why alcoholics gets enraged? Sugar crashes and survival instincts... I got screamed at... screaming when I am hungry or tired and you get your head banged in the wall until you bleed... I'll never have cats again... I feel horrible... it would be irresponsible of me to have babies.

I called the nurse hotline to know if I was a psychopath... I wanted to strangle the 5 kids doing screaming contests, 5 at the same time, for hours, everyday, all summer... she told me no... just one screaming in a pool and she want to drown her... so 5 doing it on purpose (one did grr, the other screamed as loud and long as possible) apparently it's sane...

You'd most likely get a quiet introvert kid... but still...

people who say those things to you probably did or will shake their babies and ignore their kids... so... do what you feel... not what you're told... (Oh that's good I'll save that quote)



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27 Dec 2012, 4:45 pm

I don't want kids because if I do I won't feel sexy for my husband anymore. No matter what he says I'll feel like a fat, frumpy schoolmarm, the opposite of sexy, and our relationship will suffer unless I get reconstructive surgery to look human again.

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28 Dec 2012, 5:01 am

This Christmas, some of the people in my family kept playing with this 'realistic' doll that my niece had for Christmas. It kept making gurgling and sucking noises along with a motor type of sound, making it more annoying than the real thing. This piece of motorized plastic got a few of them talking about real babies. How cute they are, etc. Puppies are cute!! I couldn't stand the worry of being a mother. I'd probably be checking on it every five minutes, holding a mirror in front of its mouth to make sure it was still breathing! I can't seem to get my own life in order, so having the responsibility of another life would be a bad idea.


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31 Dec 2012, 2:58 am

I don't like children and I don't want any. I become less enthusiastic about them as I get older (35 now), so there's no ticking biological clock in this little black duck. I don't think this is a sentiment limited to women with Asperger's, but we probably have specific Asperger's-related reasons for not wanting them.

Like others, I want to clap my hands over my ears when kids cry or scream. I find only some of them cute, and certainly not as babies. (Does anyone else find drooling stomach-turningly disgusting?) The cuteness rapidly diminishes the more annoying they become. Apart from being loud, they're unpredictable and demand attention. I like my personal time for special interests and would resent having a child around. I once told my father that and he was shocked. "How could you resent a child?"

I'm not convinced that it would be any different with my own children. I suspect I would not be a committed mother, and therefore I am the last person who should be having children. I take my hat off to anyone who is raising a child to the best of their ability. It's a tough and often thankless job.


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31 Dec 2012, 10:16 pm

Julius Sharpe‏@juliussharpe
In case you're thinking about having a kid, my daughter just threw a tantrum because I wouldn't let her watch me poop.

saw this tweet just now.,

Must applaud all out there who are raising a kid to the best of their ability. what a tough gig.
I would never be able to deal with all the worrying, the noise, the mess and the guilt that comes with it, (both the guilt from within and from other people making you feel guilty).


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31 Dec 2012, 10:37 pm

This is totally me! I find kids extremely annoying, especially their voices, and don't have the patience for them. Many people are exceptionally confused by this, think it means I'm a bad person ("You don't like kids? How can you not like kids?" in tones of horror) or tell me I'll grow into it or feel differently when it's my own kid. I told my friend I had no desire to have kids, and her eyes went wide and she said, "That's so sad!" Why is it sad? I don't WANT them.

Something else to consider, for me at least: everyone in my family has some sort of neurological issue, and those things are genetic. I think if I had biological children, it would be a very high risk of bringing someone into the world who would end up very unhappy. I wouldn't wish my own childhood of self-hatred and loneliness on anyone. If I did decide I wanted kids, I would definitely adopt, maybe a kid from a poor country who otherwise might not have a very good childhood.

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02 Jan 2013, 4:18 pm

I decided when I was around 10 I never wanted to have children, but then I also wanted to become a nun.
Right now I really don't want them. They are loud and all over the place, and my child would probably be just as weird as I am. The freaky thing is, in my past two relationships I started to change my attitude about this issue. Not that I wanted children so much that we tried, but I had more a phobia of getting pregnant, while thinking that if I was pregnant it wouldn't be a big deal... Must have been the hormones or something. Some biological s**t. I do have some good traits that it could be useful to breed upon, but I'd have to meet a nice man for it to be acceptable and evened out and since I am a freak magnet, I doubt it'll happen. Don't know if I want to deal with ripping all over the place during the birth, and as someone else here mentioned, we are more than enough people already. So we'll see. If I ever get pregnant I'm sure it will be by accident.
Most people I've known who have had children have become pregnant and then stopped talking to me. So pregnancy is something bad to me personally.

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05 Jan 2013, 4:34 pm

Skilpadde wrote:
I don't like children, and I have never wanted to have any. Not only are they noisy but generally nasty as well. No thanks. I didn't even like them when I was one myself. I certainly don't like them any better now.

Exactly how I feel. I like, or dislike, children as individuals, exactly as I do adults. To me there's nothing intrinsically wonderful about kids.

I'm sick of people telling me I'll want them. I'm 40 years old! And nary a maternal glimmer. I'm hoping people will note my age and knock it off soon, but I suspect that what will really happen is that behind my back people will say things like "Oh, she missed her chance. I bet she hates herself now!"

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05 Jan 2013, 5:27 pm

I personally love kids for their brutal honesty and often unashamed overconfidence, but nobody should feel pressured to take on the responsibility of raising a child unless it's something they really want to do. It's a personal decision and I don't think anybody is a monster for choosing not to have children.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Jan 2013, 2:20 pm

You are not alone! I don't have maternal instinct either and don't know what to do with babies.

Emu Egg
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16 Jan 2013, 3:50 pm

I don't want them, I don't even want them in the same room... I didn't even like kids when I was a kid. Funny thing is, I'm REALLY maternal with my dogs and other pets, I love them all to death. Of course, that just gets used as fodder from family members who swear up and down I'll become maternal with the kids when I have them, just like I am with my dogs, which just makes me more angry and offended. I wonder how someone who HAS kids feels about this. Did it really change for them or is this a myth?


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17 Jan 2013, 1:38 pm

syrrah814 wrote:
I don't want them, I don't even want them in the same room... I didn't even like kids when I was a kid. Funny thing is, I'm REALLY maternal with my dogs and other pets, I love them all to death. Of course, that just gets used as fodder from family members who swear up and down I'll become maternal with the kids when I have them, just like I am with my dogs, which just makes me more angry and offended. I wonder how someone who HAS kids feels about this. Did it really change for them or is this a myth?

Google "I hate being a mom."

I think this is the best one:


Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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17 Jan 2013, 6:11 pm

I don't want kids for a number of reasons, the first being that my morher almost died while giving birth to my eldest sister (who later died of cerebral palsy because they broke her neck to get her out). I have nurturing instincts toward my boyfriend and protective instincts toward my friends, but no maternal instinct. The last one people say is selfish, but only I know how I feel about it: Birth usually all but destroys your romantic relationship with your husband. Your vagina stretches noticeably and is no longer sexual, but a baby door to him, and your breasts deflate, sag, their nipples get huge and he now sees them as tools to feed the baby. Not to mention how many women use pregnancy as an excuse to let themselves go.

"More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion." - Harvey Milk

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18 Jan 2013, 1:07 pm

I made the decision not to have kids when I was very young, and quite frankly, getting older has done nothing but reinforce my opinion that I made the right decision. I don't mind talking to kids because I find them easier to get along with than adults - they are much easier to relate to, and they have more interesting topics of conversation. However, given that I don't enjoy too much social contact, I also wouldn't like to have them around every day either.
As many have said, it is incredibly hard even in modern society - people assume that children are a normal part of life, and seem to forget that you most certainly have a choice as to whether or not to become a human incubator :)


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19 Jan 2013, 5:53 am

Wait... there are actual women who do not want kids? Every one I've run into the past dew weeks have been baby crazy! O.o

Okay people, bring me a spatula, some tanks, and an anenome! Sh*t's gettin' real tonight!
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