amyb73 wrote:
I am laughing SO hard at this.... I have the exact same problem. I've gotten into "discussions" with my husband, wherein he informs me that we don't have enough sex. He thinks it's because I am not interested in HIM. (not the case, I just ... don't think about it?)
So I end up getting really upset and yelling at him.. I tell him to come up with a frequency that he considers "enough" and I'll put a reminder on my phone, or tie a clipboard to the bed, so we can graph our coital frequency over time, thereby giving him more or less ammunition for future arguments...
As you might expect, those conversations don't go well.
ROFL! Count me in this group...except my husband thinks that if I have to remind myself to have sex with him, then I don't want it, and he doesn't want to do it if I don't want to...he says he wants me to want it. Ok....and I want you to not want it so much. How's that working out for you? Sigh...
Edited to add: Despite the problems my husband and I have, I don't think our relationship is that could just use some work.