Fnord wrote:
Kylyssa wrote:
One has to wonder if the guys who require their partners to shave also shave their pubic areas, too?
"Require"? Do some guys actually "require" their partners to shave?
It seems to me that if one's partner is willing to go to the trouble, it is only fair to do the same.
Yes, some guys do. I've been on the fringes of a number of conversations in which a few younger married women were at wits end trying to figure out how to not get ingrown hairs, rashes, or follicle infections from shaving. I advised trimming the hair very, very short instead, at least for a while. They looked at me like I was crazy and one insisted her husband would be angry with her if she didn't shave. Another said hers wouldn't have intercourse unless she shaved and admitted that she would sometimes not shave so she wouldn't have to have intercourse. They were members of the Christian Reformed Church who I worked with so maybe it's part of being a submissive wife now?
Shaving of the pubic area has gone completely mainstream and has become the norm with anything else being considered either unclean or a fetish among some in the under thirty set that I associate with. I've even overheard teens gossiping about a girl in their gym class who didn't shave her pubes.
I used to shave on and off but the irritation of it started kicking off lupus rash in the area and lupus rash all over my genital area is both uncomfortable and the opposite of sexy. My partner seems to prefer at least some hair but he says it's completely up to me although he thinks it would be silly to shave if it's going to set off lupus rashes or get infected. I usually keep it trimmed very, very short.