Nan wrote:
poopylungstuffing wrote:
I don't shave anything ever..when i did..I did it because other people wanted me to and I hated it. I do have a slight moustache however (i am a brunette) and I tweeze that sometimes.
Me neither. Other than the moustache - I'm an auburnette going grey, no moustache.
I always found shaving to be a rather bizarre custom in both genders. If someone doesn't like the creature I am with the attributes I was meant to have, too bad for them. Removing that with which I was meant to be equipped makes me more female in their eyes?
I don't think I'd really want to be bothering with a male who used that as some sort of marker as to my "worth" as a life-partner. It'd seem he had extremely shallow values, if that were the case. Not worth the bother for a male who was a herd animal.
And what the hell is is about males shaving their facial hair? I mean, they wait and wait for it to grow, as a sign of their mature masculinity, then they cut it off!?! If it's just for comfort - relief from the heat, that's understandable. If it's that they're in the service and don't need an enemy to be able to grab it to hold to cut their throats, that's another. But otherwise, it makes no sense to me at all.
Finally! some people with sensible ideas about body hair. I'm another person who has sworn off shaving. I will try a silkymit on my legs if I have to go somewhere special, but that's about all.
Somebody told me that men immediately switch off liking women if they aren't shaved - well maybe some would - if they have been taught to be sexist and shallow, but it wouldn't be all. I've also heard lots of women complaining that men are too hairy but it seems they want men who are fairly effeminate looking.
Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon