Does anyone else have a horrible mother in-law? How do you
It may not seem to be fair or equal, but this, unfortunately, seems to be the norm. There *are* factors, though, that might make this arrangement "fair". For example, if there was a large divorce settlement towards the ex, then that money is deducted from this marriage's estate, of course, and your husband would not be entitled to any of that settlement -- his half-siblings would solely inherit that money, along with any other children that their mother has from another relationship or marriage.
Also, marital estates usually only include assets gained *during* the marriage, and your MIL (or her estate) would be entitled to no portion of any assets accumulated by her husband before she married FIL. Similarly, FIL's inheritances from his parents or his grandparents would not be a part of MIL's estate, enabling the half-siblings to share in them, too. This is of course unless your FIL specifically wanted to screw his children from the first marriage over, and -- should he predecease her -- leaves all of these precluded assets to MIL via his will, making them a part of *her* estate eventually. In that case, he's a nasty bit of work and an unnatural parent. Stay away from him.
Good for you folks. Stand up and push back. Boundaries and all that good stuff, you know ?
Hang in there.
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116
I do. I hate her with a passion. Just today I woke up stressed because I had a flashback of when my son was born and the hell that witch put me through. I hardly see her anymore on purpose. I will see her if my husband begs, but he knows that he has to stop and buy me a couple of drinks BEFORE I get there and while there. The day she dies I won't care one bit. She is evil. She made my life hell while I was pregnant, when my son was born and many years after...even up to a couple of years ago. I will never forgive her.
I didn't have a horrible MIL (She's passed on and when I knew her she was not able to speak/care for herself so if she had a bad personality it never showed)but I had a terrible boundary breaking, financially and psychologically abusive FIL. I'm not sure how bad your situation is, but sometimes you have to limit contact or go no contact if they keep stressing you out and not respecting your boundaries. The relationship with my FIL was so abusive to both me and my husband we literally moved away overnight without telling the FIL and my husband changed his phone number. He has no idea where we are or how to get ahold of us and life has been so much better that way.
Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 23 Jan 2011
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Posts: 194
Location: A house in a galaxy far far away
Aaaand she's back at it. My husband found work out of state, which has caused her to go nuts. She has insisted we come over at least once a week, and has interfered in our efforts to spend time with our friends, whom we haven't spent time with in over a month because of her demands.
My husband made the mistake of asking her to help me get the house presentable for putting the house on the market, which is really interesting because I'm fighting off a case of either a cold or whooping cough and am having trouble breathing. She is cracking the whip, telling me I don't have time to take breaks. I'm exhausted half the time, so excuse me if I don't function well enough for her standards.
She's been trying to get me to re-establish contact with my parents since I'm leaving, but refuses to listen that I cannot do anything with them because it stresses me out. I cannot stand her meddling, and will actually leave my home to finish my term papers that are due later this week because she will be coming over again tomorrow and possibly later this week. I've told my husband that I plan to do this and stay at the university library in order to avoid her, and all he told me was to do what I needed to do.
Well, my husbands siblings mates were not keen on her but I rather liked my MIL.
My Asperger's was my help in that. I was still not socially finished enough to take affront at every barb and I was as blunt as she was.
Her X, I thought was satan.. no ... really. Evil guy. Generational misery maker. Passed Law School but failed ethics 3x. Could not pass bar. Made money off a girlfriend who died, a first wife that died, a partner that died and then didn't quite get goods from MIL or her family.
Now there was a rough patch for first 2 and half years because family had money, she thought I was gold digger. She couldn't imagine people attracted to her children (she dd not raise them so when they dropped in as teens she was ouit of depth). She had a point. Once she figured I was just defective (lel) , we were fine. She died of cancer in 2001. I'd trade her for my X gladly but I know she wouldn't wish that.
My father in law...? I outlasted him, thank God. What was weird was his own father was cool old guy. Self made type.
FFFFF Captchas.