I hope that this isn't too controversial...?

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Blue Jay
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31 Dec 2007, 11:13 pm

i actually feel much more attractive without make-up on, most days. i do wear it on special occasions, or if i'm having a weird day. i'm not overweight, i'm tall, and kind of curvy. i really hate wearing girly clothes. i usually pay attention to my hair [straighten it, or curl it, or just mess it up in a mop top], and i can't stand feeling dirty, but i like wearing a cute pair of jeans and a guy's sweater. i try to look as much like myself as possible. and i generally like the way i look.


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01 Jan 2008, 9:24 am

I prefer chubby girls, and the notion of thin being attractive just makes me feel sick. No comment except aspie girls probably don't succumb so much to peer pressure.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!

Tufted Titmouse
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01 Jan 2008, 9:44 am

I have no choice about my body size, nothing I do will change it at the moment. I am a UK4, a US0, and I find it repulsive. No matter what I eat, how I exercise, or what tests the doctors think up, nothing changes. I am a skeleton with skin draped over the frame.

Oh yeah, except the bout of viral meningitis I've just got over that has reduced my body weight to a nasty 6 stone 10 oz :?

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01 Jan 2008, 1:42 pm

For a long time, I've been obsessed with maintaining a slender figure. When I was younger, I thought the reason I had difficulty with socializing and connecting to others was because I was unattractive, I didn't realize that it was mainly due to behavioral issues. I started to apply makeup and go on extreme diets to lose weight, but I still didn't feel better about myself. Recently I've been addressing psychological issues instead of physical issues, but I still feel the need to primp everyday in order to feel more at ease around others.

Snowy Owl
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21 Jan 2008, 12:57 am

i care to much about what shape im meant to be/not so much about clothes as long as they are clean everyday, i need to feel that i look nice for me although that usually just means tidy,sometimes i have been known to buy a fashion item just to fit in and usually end up hating it and never wearing it, it stresses me out when my son will only wear brand named stuff to fit in with his peer group.


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22 Jan 2013, 8:20 pm

I feel pressure to look good.

I am a student and there are lots of girls who spend hours getting ready for each lecture. I feel inferior to such people and like I will never fit in :(


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22 Jan 2013, 9:11 pm

I'm really insecure about my weight, and I've always wanted to be super cute and pretty. I like (and am attracted to) really girly stuff... I just can't ever pull it off, or find the motivation to even attempt it. orz;;


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23 Jan 2013, 7:25 am

i liked being really big (morbidly obese) because then i took up a lot of space. i felt large and in charge. i got a lot of male attention that way too, though it sorta freaked me out. maybe my confidence was high or something.

i wasn't one of those lucky people who didn't have health problems though, so i had to lose some weight to get healthy. i had many health problems when i was big (also a lot when i was too thin). i have been my healthiest at this size, just barely over the top of overweight into obese.

i think i look fine, my boyfriend seems to think i look fine too. i do care about my appearance, but maybe not in the way that people might expect.

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Sea Gull
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23 Jan 2013, 2:08 pm

I'm chubby and I don't care what other people think of me anymore.
Waste of time :)

Tufted Titmouse
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30 Jan 2013, 10:06 am

I have an eating disorder but it has nothing to do with vanity or fitting in. It kind of bothers me when people want to 'be healthy' just to be more conventionally attractive. Say it's vanity if it's vanity, don't claim a higher purpose.


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30 Jan 2013, 3:05 pm

You know how the NT girls are always trying to be popular and sacrifice their own things to fit in? Well do Aspie girls like to keep their figure like NT girls do? I mean social pressure must be hard for you more so than male Aspies, right? (Or so I've read on Wikipedia)

I don't care how I look. My appearance is based on physical comfort.

I brush my hair because my scalp itches otherwise. I have long hair because it feels soft and I like stroking it.

I never wear makeup because it feels horrible.

I wear soft, comfortable clothes, without concern for how they look.

I can't stand wearing a bra, so I don't.

I wash when I feel uncomfortably sweaty or my hair feels oily.

I eat what tastes good and keeps me healthy.

I've never had much concern for what others think of me. I get scared sometimes if I think I'm going to get bullied, but apart from that, I don't see any reason to try to present an impression of myself that is designed to please others.


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09 Feb 2013, 9:51 pm

I do definitely care about my appearance, but I don't go overboard. I work in a professional office environment, so I have to dress to a certain standard. I keep my hair in a short wash-and-wear cut so I don't have to fight with it too much in the morning. I won't dye it because I like the color it is and I can't wait for it to be all grey, plus I can't stand the chemical smell. I wear light makeup on work days. I do like playing with makeup (discovered this when getting ready for my wedding) and it makes me feel good to have it done nicely. I paint my fingernails, but that doesn't usually last long because I can't stand to have chips or flaws in it. I consider it a real treat to have acrylic nails.

Fashion just makes me cringe and I would love to wear the same thing every day if I could get away with it. I'm not very good at spotting trends and I'm likely to wear outdated clothes if I like them and they're comfortable. Fortunately, I've had some darling men in my life who kind of like to style me, so I get advice from them. I keep my wardrobe classic so I don't have to buy clothes too often. My standard "uniform" is a buttoned-up blouse with slacks. I have exactly two pairs of work shoes--black flats and brown flats. I've broken my foot twice by falling out of high heels and I wouldn't care to do that again! I don't like to wear anything fussy and I hate jewelry on my hands (my wedding ring is tattooed on for this reason), but I don't like to leave the house without earrings.

I did have a problem with anorexia when I was 24-25 years old. It started as a need to be pretty, but it continued as an Aspie obsession and a need for control without much regard for needing to be beautiful. I didn't really even want to be beautiful--just cartoonishly thin. When I got down to 98 lbs (dangerously thin for someone of my height), my psych nurse told me she'd stop seeing me if I didn't gain 10 lbs by the next time I saw her. That was much more terrifying than being fat, so I ate up. Today, I'm a bit overweight (US size 18 ) and I'm a size acceptance activist.

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--Shel Silverstein

Sea Gull
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01 Mar 2013, 9:01 am

I do worry about my weight, I don't like having a fat belly, and also, diabetes runs in my family.

As for the rest; I like to have my hair cut so the curls come out, I like the soft bouncy look.
I do not use make up.
I base my clothes choice first on comfort, but I do pay some attention to how things look on me.


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01 Mar 2013, 5:46 pm

I definitely do care about fitting in looks-wise.
I care so much that I once developed body dysmorphia disorder, and an eating disorder.
I'm obsessed.

An Aspie's habits are incomprehensible to society not because they are illogical or the result of madness, but because they stem from a mind so original that they cannot be seen as societal norms.


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02 Mar 2013, 12:22 am

I'm overweight now and don't like it, but it doesn't bother me enough to do much about it. I diet when the mood hits, but my love of food and eating makes it tough. I actually do feel better when I exercise, and my body responds well to it, but I can't get motivated to do it with any regularity.

I know this is going to sound odd, but I don't wear makeup because I hate all the compliments I get when I do. I'm not bragging here -- I hate attention drawn to myself. Any time I wear makeup, everybody makes such a big deal about it and tells me how great I look that I get embarrassed and annoyed and wash it all off. I've never been comfortable accepting compliments, so I just don't put myself in a position to get them. I wore makeup to work one day, and I heard -- and no, I wasn't imagining it as I heard clearly -- people whispering about how nice I looked. I never did it again.


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02 Mar 2013, 4:35 am

I don't care about my appearance so much as my health. I have a fast metabolism and I'm allergic to make-up. I'm also a tomboy (straight) but I enjoy camo. I wear cloths that go against 'typical/standard' and I don't wear make-up --- which caused two woman to look me up and down in line at the DMV last week, when I went for my update drivers license photo --- I felt like saying "Yup, no make-up! Take a picture!". License arrived in the mail today and it is the best one yet... as far as DMV photos go. :lol: Contrary to belief I did pay attention to the top I wore, but it didn't matter as the camera is SO zoomed in on this new license style you can see the eyebrow hair that missed my tweezers... :wink: well almost. You cant see my top.