I visted a city to do a college visit this weekend and, after the campus tour, my older sister and I (I'm 16) went to a movie theater to see
21, you know, that movie about blackjack and card counting. Both Arron Yoo (Attractive Korean guy from
Disturbia), and that british guy from
Across the Universe were in it, so we knew that, even if we hated it, we could not be entirely bored.
Anyway, the theater was empty until around 10 minutes before the previews began and then all these college kids filed in until it was almost full. Anyway, when it ended, I didn't really like it too much for two reasons; First off, because I thought the plot was silly, and secondly because the character's eye colors were inconsistant. In one scene the girl had one brown eye and one blue eye! You'd think they'd edit more carefully but, no....
As my sister and I were filing out of the row, I paused to let some people in the seats above us leave first. I didn't want to cut in front of them because that's rude, right? But the guy I tried to let past stopped and said to me, "After you, Beautiful." I sort of looked at him with a WTF expression and then he
winked at me. Taken aback, of course, I said a quick "thank you", walked past him, and then continued my conversation with my sister about the eyecolor inconsistancies. It was weird.
I mean, he's a college guy, so it's sort of creepy. But then again, he's a
college guy so its also sort of flattering.
Should I be creeped out or flattered?
Again, guys can respond to this topic if they want to. I just felt silly putting it under 'love and dating' since neither 'love' nor 'dating' are really directly involved.
Hmmm as long as he didn't stalk you or anything, then I don't think you have anything to worry about. I think he was just being nice and polite to you.