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27 Dec 2008, 12:09 am

My voice is all over the place with pitch, tone, and volume. I think I have a difficult time identifying with a particular personality trait associated with voice and attitude, but I also have a ton of problems. I don't have multiple personalities, but I don't really progress in one direction, and that could be AS related. Trial and error using different voices to figure out AS related or unrelated issues is my cue. I have concretely mimiced others in order to fit in to a conversation, no doubt. Do any other women have a hard time convincing people that they have AS? Men especially love to get into this argument with me. I'd rather fight with them than another Aspie lady, though...ZING...


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20 Jan 2009, 11:27 pm

I have a very low voice for a woman, but it's never caused any problems (guys actually say it's sexy and bluesy.)

However, my mother and my best friend, who are both AS, both have the 'childlike' singsong voice often associated with female Aspies. I read somewhere that vocal irregularities in Aspies, if present, either manifest as monotone or sing-song, which is strange because they seem like opposites.

Poopylungstuffing, I find it fascinating that you find it easier to express your words in song. I've heard about this in other spectrumers; in fact, some Kanner's people can only speak in song. Some believe it is because for certain neurologies, tone carries more meaning than the words themselves (Grandin talks shortly about this in the language section of Animals in Translation).

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20 Jan 2009, 11:47 pm

I don't have any voice issues. I have read some experts and aspies describe they have a mono-tone long droning sound of voice.


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21 Jan 2009, 12:28 pm

I have a deep voice as well. Whenever I hear it played back, I'm shocked at how deep it is! I practically sound like a deaf person who doesn't know how to modulate correctly. I hate it. I don't sound like that in my head at all!

People I've asked say it doesn't sound weird.. but I think it sounds awful.


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21 Jan 2009, 2:33 pm

mitharatowen wrote:
I have a deep voice as well. Whenever I hear it played back, I'm shocked at how deep it is! I practically sound like a deaf person who doesn't know how to modulate correctly. I hate it. I don't sound like that in my head at all!

People I've asked say it doesn't sound weird.. but I think it sounds awful.

Same here.

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21 Jan 2009, 8:31 pm

why not post some short videos so we can hear.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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21 Jan 2009, 8:48 pm

I have more likely opposite to deep voice. I am saying this because maybe having a deep voice is nothing to do with being Aspie. Once my friend and I was singing. She could sing but I noticed I could sing higher and lower notes than she couldnt.


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21 Jan 2009, 9:10 pm

mixtapebooty wrote:
My voice is all over the place with pitch, tone, and volume. I think I have a difficult time identifying with a particular personality trait associated with voice and attitude, but I also have a ton of problems. I don't have multiple personalities, but I don't really progress in one direction, and that could be AS related. Trial and error using different voices to figure out AS related or unrelated issues is my cue. I have concretely mimiced others in order to fit in to a conversation, no doubt. Do any other women have a hard time convincing people that they have AS? Men especially love to get into this argument with me. I'd rather fight with them than another Aspie lady, though...ZING...

I have issues like these.

These days I have really settled on my sorta highish sing-song voice, and feel very comfortable with it. I have been talking like this for a very long time...But I have some video footage from when I was much younger..when I was 19 or 20 or so, and I was shocked by the sharp low monotone voice I used.

When I was younger, I used to relate my voice to Popeye..the way he would speak in the low manly growl and then when he was talking to himself his voice would go up really high.. is the video where I am talking (and singing really LOW (in contrast to how I sound these days) not comment on the rest of the contents of the fact, stop the video after the part where I talk at the beginning. This is a video of the band I grew up in way back in the 90's. I am slightly embarrassed by the way I am dancing around and singing slightly out of tune, and our silly dated sound. I had a hard time singing over this really loud band all the time. I had little control...



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21 Jan 2009, 9:37 pm

I have always enjoyed your voice and vids.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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22 Jan 2009, 12:18 am

I don't have a high pitch fact I wish I did.... :?

Anyway I don't understand the question voice or dialect?

For me, my dialect comes off odd and childish. I wasn't even aware I had this problem till I heard myself recorded. It's one thing I still struggle with and have no idea if it's related to aspergers or not.

On another note, I've heard it's more common for aspies to speak in monotone. Expressing surprise or emotion is not easy for me to do through fluctuation. I've had many people misconstrue my robotic voice for being down whenever I respond to something jovial or happy.

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22 Jan 2009, 10:36 am

When I was a child I spoke in a very low, quiet monotone. In college I learned to imitate other people's voices. Perhaps choir and theater classes help. I actually have a very large range; I can sing most soprano and a lot of tenor parts.

When I'm trying very hard to express emotion in my voice I speak in higher pitches and larger range. I sometimes think it sounds childlike. I think often this is because the emotions I'm trying to express are somewhat childlike, since I don't think I really grew up emotionally in the standard growing up years.

When I'm reading aloud my voice changes also. It gets louder and stronger. I have confidence because I don't have to be the one stringing the words together. The books I like reading aloud best are ones where I can accurately use a British accent. My standard reading voice is kind of BBC English; I also do Irish and a variety of English locations when it makes sense. When the characters are obviously American I have to make an effort to return to my normal accent while staying in the reading groove with my confident voice. I can't do different American accents, or Scottish accents. I'm going to Scotland this summer, maybe I can pick it up.


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22 Jan 2009, 3:40 pm

Wow, poopylungstuffing- I didn´t even recognize you in that video! Funny how a different voice and hairstyle can really change a person.

I guess I never had a monotone voice- at least, I don´t think I did- but my voice and inflections sound almost exactly like my Mom´s. In fact, people confuse us on the phone all the time. I wonder if I just sort of picked up her voice, because I heard it all the time?

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22 Jan 2009, 5:00 pm

Morgana wrote:
Wow, poopylungstuffing- I didn´t even recognize you in that video! Funny how a different voice and hairstyle can really change a person.

I guess I never had a monotone voice- at least, I don´t think I did- but my voice and inflections sound almost exactly like my Mom´s. In fact, people confuse us on the phone all the time. I wonder if I just sort of picked up her voice, because I heard it all the time?

I was pretty depressed in those days. It was like I was a completely different person. I was very rigid and hard on myself. I felt uncomfortable most of the time...even on stage.
My whole life revolved around the band. I kept these obsessive little journals where I would write about every little thing, and in the journals, I am very strict and hard on that was the "me" that corresponded with the low sounding voice.

Once I broke up with the guy in the red shirt, and moved out on my own, and eventually separated from the band (I was in the band for almost 4 years after we broke up)...I gradually started evolving into "myself" as I am today. I am not sure when I started talking in the higher voice all the time, but it was not long after I cut my hair and moved out on my own...(many years ago)


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26 Jun 2009, 1:58 am

This is the thread I signed up to reply to. When I was young I apparently sounded British. I had years upon years of speech therapy and now, even though I grew up and still live in Virginia, I sound like a "Valley Girl." I get asked if I'm from California at least once a week.

It seems all girls judge me by my voice and automatically hate me, and my guy friends are able to stand it because of my personality, and my boyfriend even likes it. But I have overheard or heard of so many conversations between people who cannot stand my voice whatsoever. It's disheartening. There really ARE people who automatically hate me because of my voice.

I have one friend who tells me sometime that my voice is annoying, and that really pisses me off, and i go silent. Whenever I get excited I start talking super fast and super high-pitched and squeaky. Another friend of mine notices when I'm doing that and just says "You're using your squeaky voice" and then I'm able to modulate my voice.

I also talk loud, ALL THE TIME, and never realize it until somebody says something.


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26 Jun 2009, 12:45 pm

You sound a lot like me..particularly if I get overly exuberant, my voice will get really high and has only vaguely occurred to me that it could cause other females to hate me because of my voice...but it sorta makes sense now that you mention it....I don't understand why they have a negative reaction like that...Just the other day I got made fun of by some girls who were standing nearby...when I was in exuberant-mode..

I also have always sorta spoke with different weird accents at different times...I have been accused of intentionally using an accent when I wasn't ...when working in the service industry people frequently asked me where I was from...

Never even considered having speech therapy for any of these issues....


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26 Jun 2009, 1:44 pm

I have no idea, because I can't be objective.
I am pretty inconsistent. I tend to be childlike or use a monotone mutter when talking to people, possibly out of shyness. But my voice is naturally set rather low, so I can be quite deep or gravelly if I've been talking for a while. I can sing and sound a bit bluesy I guess. When I speak I probably sound depressed.