I never got this 'boys and girls' thing when I was younger. When my hormones came in I didn't question I was a girl because I suppose I never argued with the logic of my body. I was attracted to men, sexually, and soon learned what made them tick, sexually, too. But I wondered if I was more 'manly' than other girls/women I knew because I liked history and working with my chemistry set (that my mother swapped out for a children' cook book).
I have had women attracted to me, and I liked them well enough, sexually, but there wasn't the intense driving force of the testosterone to focus me. Went to 'woman's coffeehouses' and enjoyed myself, did my usual 'go alone, leave alone' because I never catch on that men OR women are trying to flag me down with body or facial language. One day some nice looking woman finally cut though my fog and I realized this was a pick up scene and what the fux was I doing here?
So, later, I found that having men cater to my every beck and call was fun. (my dominatrix years) My problem was I thought it was supposed to be sexual too. I was mostly incorrect about that. (shrug)
Oh, well.
I like testosterone, I would have had a nice natural Vandyke moustache and beard in just the same pattern as my brother had I not spent a lifetime of shaving and electrolysis and pluck, pluck, pluck every week. I have a low voice, but no one has ever mistaken me as a boy/man.
now, after menopause, I am looking forward to becoming a crone, a wise woman, a non sexual being. If it happens, I will let you all know.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon