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Snowy Owl
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08 Sep 2010, 4:30 am

The much hated over-shoulder-boulder-holder...

Only wear one when I go out in public or walking and sometimes I forget to put it on and don't care.

I find them painful and constricting, especially correctly fitted ones.

The only bra I have found to be comfortable is a wireless, cupless, catchless, non-padded, 100% cotton yoga sports bra. The ones I have left are so old and worn out they desperately need replacing but they're not made anymore.

Mam Moments from Toni's Misadventures...
I did some travelling in Papua New Guinea, right up in the highlands, way off the beated track.
Sitting around a cooking fire one overcast humid jungle day with about 12 topless women, it was baby sharing time, grans and aunties sharing the breast feeding, they not only handed the babies around but also breast fed piglets. Yes, that's right, baby pigs on the boob, nursing next to a baby human hanging off the other boob.

Saw an old granny carrying a baby piglet on her back in a billum bag fling her long, lithe boob over her shoulder where the little piggy latched on, shut it's eyes and sucked itself to sleep.

Tufted Titmouse
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08 Sep 2010, 2:55 pm

I must wear a bra. I have had 3 kids and I am not perky at all. I am super saggy. :cry: I was a C before having kids and now I am a DD and they hang badly.


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08 Sep 2010, 7:28 pm

PerryJellyBerry wrote:
I must wear a bra. I have had 3 kids and I am not perky at all. I am super saggy. :cry: I was a C before having kids and now I am a DD and they hang badly.
mine are totally not perky too. i think it's genetics, personally, maybe combined with having kids.

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Snowy Owl
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08 Sep 2010, 8:17 pm

I have assymetrical boobs, one B, one D, so I can't wear normal bras. Also a bit embarrassing going out in public braless in light summer clothes because the size difference is obvious when not hidden under jumpers and scarves.

I also have a sensitive, inflamed bowel and the constriction from the elastic of the bra can sometimes cause discomfort and exacerbate gas pain across the top of the bowel.

I'm in the habit when walking in the house of taking off the loathed bra before doing anything else.

BTW, the size difference is not a medical problem, I checked with a few doctors when it started about 6 years ago.


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23 Sep 2010, 1:12 am

I personaly cannot wear a bra. Too painful and not worth it. If pervy men want to stare that is their problem. I remember wishing I would develop breast cancer as soon as my parents started insisting I wear a bra so I could have a masectomy and have no need for a bra but after I realised there was no stupid law stating women had to wear a bra in public, I simply stoped wearing one and my parents gave up trying to force me to wear one. I don't wear skimpy clothes and my Gir T shirts are always too sizes big because if something is too tight I feel as if I am being suffocated and panic.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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04 Feb 2011, 4:01 am

I can go without wearing a bra because I'm a 12B which is smallish. My boobs are still nice and perky :) I still wear bras though, I was dared once to go braless for a week and I did. I found I couldn't really wear singlets or sheer tops but I wore more layers instead so it wasn't so noticable. My sisters on the other hand can't really go braless because they have bigger boobs than me and its more noticable. Athough I could get away with going braless, I would feel naked without my bra!


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08 Feb 2011, 9:40 am

I wear one whenever I'm not in my pajamas. Personally, I think they're comfortable and would feel really weird without one. Actually, I feel way more physical discomfort not wearing one. The only thing I hate is shopping for them. I couldn't tell you how many times I would run into a male friend when bra shopping, and my Aunt Lynne is always trying to buy me pretty, polka dot ones or ones with little hearts because "they're cuter than the boring old white ones".

I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.


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08 Feb 2011, 9:45 am

wonderbra ftw.
i like to make my boobs look bigger.

Snowy Owl
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08 Feb 2011, 10:07 am

I don't wear a bra because I find them uncomfortable. I'm 4 months pregnant now, so my boobies are getting bigger and sore, but my boobs don't feel any less comfortable without a bra. I'm also only an A cup. My mom always nags me about not wearing a bra, saying that it's indecent because you can see the shape of my nipples. I don't really get what's so bad about it though, I mean you can already see the shape of your boobies with or without a bra, bras even enhance your breast shape so wouldn't that be more indecent than showing your natural outline? I don't know, I don't really get why people think it's so indecent to go braless.

This site is pretty interesting:

According to that, not wearing a bra can actually be helpful for girls with larger breasts. It also apparently decreases your chances of getting breast cancer. Who knows how much of it is true, but it's certainly something to think about.


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08 Feb 2011, 11:51 pm

I find bras aesthetically pleasing, but very uncomfortable. They're okay for an hour or two, but beyond that, they become a huge sensory issue and I start to find them maddening. A full day of wearing one ends up feeling somewhat painful (even if they fit properly).

That said, I wear them every time I go out because, even for the not-so-endowed such as myself, unless you're wearing multiple layers, it's noticeable when you're bra-less, and this is not socially acceptable. I only started wearing them a few years ago, though--I thought they were stupid and pointless when I was younger and didn't see what the fuss was all about. Of course, I've since learned that they are stupid and pointless (for those of us who aren't hugely-endowed or saggy), but it is an arbitrary social convention which must be obeyed (in the workplace, at least).

I post this only because, right now, I'm going crazy. >_<;; And am stuck in this state for many hours yet.

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09 Feb 2011, 12:20 am

I only wear a bra to work, and even then not all the time. I'm only a B cup and 23-years-old, so I don't need to worry about a lot of sagging, but for those worried about a lot movement or nipples showing, all of that is actually very easily taken care of by an undershirt or two.

The only other time I wear a bra is when I'm going out to dinner somewhere nice, or while I'm exercising. There have been some rather interesting studies suggesting that wearing a bra 24/7 (while sleeping, etc) can increase a woman's chance of developing breast cancer by up to 25%. This is because the tight, restraining fabric of the bra drastically slows a woman's natural lymphatic flow in the breast tissue, leading to an increased risk of cancerous cells developing.

Besides all that, though, it's not like a bra actually does anything. It doesn't prevent the natural sagging that comes with age or the development of stretch marks, and it only 'shapes' the breast as long as the bra is being worn.

In fact, wearing a bra more often than necessary will lead to a loss of elasticity in the breast, as the muscles along the chest wall used by the body to keep the breasts 'perky' simply atrophy from disuse in a woman who wears a bra too often. Because of this, a woman's breasts can actually become more perky when she stops wearing a bra all of the time.


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09 Feb 2011, 2:38 am

Kaybee wrote:
I find bras aesthetically pleasing, but very uncomfortable. They're okay for an hour or two, but beyond that, they become a huge sensory issue and I start to find them maddening. A full day of wearing one ends up feeling somewhat painful (even if they fit properly).

That said, I wear them every time I go out because, even for the not-so-endowed such as myself, unless you're wearing multiple layers, it's noticeable when you're bra-less, and this is not socially acceptable. I only started wearing them a few years ago, though--I thought they were stupid and pointless when I was younger and didn't see what the fuss was all about. Of course, I've since learned that they are stupid and pointless (for those of us who aren't hugely-endowed or saggy), but it is an arbitrary social convention which must be obeyed (in the workplace, at least).

I post this only because, right now, I'm going crazy. >_<;; And am stuck in this state for many hours yet.

I wanted to write a very similar post.

I tried a sports bra but it actually gave me a rash. The material and my skin do not get along.

Rather than painful, bras cause me to itch a lot, so I take them off as soon as I get home, or as soon as I'm anywhere it doesn't matter that I am not wearing one.

I wear am a bit well-endowed, and bras are more comfortable than not, at least kinesthetically. It's just that the material never gets along with my skin.


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09 Feb 2011, 3:06 am

Verdandi wrote:
Kaybee wrote:
I find bras aesthetically pleasing, but very uncomfortable. They're okay for an hour or two, but beyond that, they become a huge sensory issue and I start to find them maddening. A full day of wearing one ends up feeling somewhat painful (even if they fit properly).

That said, I wear them every time I go out because, even for the not-so-endowed such as myself, unless you're wearing multiple layers, it's noticeable when you're bra-less, and this is not socially acceptable. I only started wearing them a few years ago, though--I thought they were stupid and pointless when I was younger and didn't see what the fuss was all about. Of course, I've since learned that they are stupid and pointless (for those of us who aren't hugely-endowed or saggy), but it is an arbitrary social convention which must be obeyed (in the workplace, at least).

I post this only because, right now, I'm going crazy. >_<;; And am stuck in this state for many hours yet.

I wanted to write a very similar post.

I tried a sports bra but it actually gave me a rash. The material and my skin do not get along.

Rather than painful, bras cause me to itch a lot, so I take them off as soon as I get home, or as soon as I'm anywhere it doesn't matter that I am not wearing one.

I wear am a bit well-endowed, and bras are more comfortable than not, at least kinesthetically. It's just that the material never gets along with my skin.

Ooh, yes. I also find them itchy and take them off as soon as I get the chance. On the plus side, that just-took-off-your-bra-after-wearing-it-all-day feeling is really quite nice.

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09 Feb 2011, 3:31 pm

Kaybee wrote:
Ooh, yes. I also find them itchy and take them off as soon as I get the chance. On the plus side, that just-took-off-your-bra-after-wearing-it-all-day feeling is really quite nice.

It is. I would go so far as to describe it as somewhat cathartic.


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09 Feb 2011, 6:12 pm

I don't wear bras, I uh, don't have much that needs supporting in that regard to a point where I have gotten mistaken for a teenage boy. Living in a place where it generally doesn't get very warm helps, you can't see nipples very well through the hoodies I usually wear. The attitude towards bras is pretty relaxed where I live, so that helps. If I were going to a place where the social norm was bras and I knew I couldn't wear my usual hoodies due to weather I'd wear a bra to fit in better but that unfomfortable sucker would be off the moment I was out of public. I also sometimes think I must be really weird, I feel no attachment to my breasts. I'd almost rather go breastless than put up with bras on a daily basis, and I feel the same way on very hot days when all breasts seem to do is channel sweat underneath them.

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11 Feb 2011, 12:15 am

Well, I can't go around without a bra. I am a thin woman, but my chest is large for my figure. I difinitely need the support and would feel extremely uncomfortable flapping and bouncing around in public. Also, I am rather short, so my chest would look rather saggy with it's size along with my short torso. Simply due to my proportions, I really do need to wear a bra.