Worried about boyfriend's girl best friend

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22 Oct 2010, 5:31 am

MotherKnowsBest wrote:
Have you considered facing her together?

it's a good idea but.....there is a but and i can't seem to put my finger on it. it's about self esteem. oh i know: he would be facing this girl while his girlfriend is watching and making sure he does the right thing. NOT in reality, i know that wouldn't be the intention, but this girl could use this to feel secure he was forced into this and doesn't mean a word he's saying.
she would then call him and talk about how bossy his girlfriend is and how he deserves more respect. could end badly again.


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22 Oct 2010, 6:08 am

Well him facing her alone hasn't worked in the past I doubt it will ever work.


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22 Oct 2010, 11:28 am

He wants to face her himself but I'm helping him prepare for it, i.e. predicting what she'll use in her outbursts so that we have something lined up that he can use to throw it right back. So we're doing it together in that way, just that he wants to physically be there himself. She might only get even more annoyingly time-wastingly dramatic if I'm there, and if not, she doesn't exactly care about my feelings anyways, obviously...

It's just madness that it got to the stage that trying and failing to please her became a big part of our relationship! We're already both feeling happier and relieved and more excited for ourselves knowing that that's going to be gone soon. What an idiot she's been... She had an amazing friend. She's lost him now, although she won't know at least until she's back from Germany (unfortunately we're both in the same choir going on the same trip next week). Why is it that doing everything to make her happy and to be a good friend to her wasn't enough? It just baffles me... Oh well. Her loss.


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22 Oct 2010, 11:40 am

ediself wrote:
MotherKnowsBest wrote:
Have you considered facing her together?

it's a good idea but.....there is a but and i can't seem to put my finger on it. it's about self esteem. oh i know: he would be facing this girl while his girlfriend is watching and making sure he does the right thing. NOT in reality, i know that wouldn't be the intention, but this girl could use this to feel secure he was forced into this and doesn't mean a word he's saying.
she would then call him and talk about how bossy his girlfriend is and how he deserves more respect. could end badly again.

Good point... I'll discuss this with him so that he's ready to face that possibility, thanks! I'll also suggest being there with him, in case he feels that it might be more effective, although he seems very willing to do it all himself. Ya, he's got some self-esteem issues, and she's encouraged it by using it against him numerous times before, but he knows that I just can't cope with her any more and that one of us really has to go, so he's made his choice. He said himself yesterday that if he was to choose her instead of me, he'd effectively be choosing to have neither. He said he knows that if he chose to break up with me and keep his "friend", he'd end things with her fairly soon after because he'd be unable to remain friends with someone who'd forced him to lose me. He said choosing me means that he'd keep a very promising relationship going and lose a relationship with someone who wasn't really a friend after all, and that she would be the one at loss. He's also decided that once he's broken the friendship, he'll simply stop all contact with her. Hopefully he succeeds... He seems to be feeling more strong about this than ever.


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29 Oct 2010, 6:33 am

so, it's been a week....how did it go? any news? please tell us that you finally got rid of her....


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29 Oct 2010, 11:52 am

Niamh wrote:
If they were trying to get together they surely would have made a move by now... They've been friends for over 5 years. Yes, they had been disturbingly cuddley for friends (and apparently this is how he would be with any of his girly friends), but I've stomped that out for good. It's not fair on them, let alone on me, that he should give what would seem like more than friendly physical affection to them especially as it would put those girls' relationships at risk if they had boyfriends. I made my point by asking him if he'd wanted to be like that with his guy friends but obviously couldn't... I asked all sorts of questions to make him see just how weird it was and how it looked to everyone else, not just me. He has stopped that for good and I trust that he doesn't do it when I don't see.
I think that this should count as her last chance with this. If she makes one mistake now, she's in trouble. If she doesn't want to make things work out between me and her, then that means she doesn't want it to work for me and him, or else that she doesn't like me, in which case she would have advised him by now that I was bad for him. Yeah, jealousy is hard and horrible to put up with and takes a lot of time to heal and get over, but she's had a year and a half now so she's played all her cards.

I wouldn't be so sure about her not wanting to get together with him. On some level, she must; she honestly and truly is not acting the way female best friends act.

My sister's husband's best friends are both women, both stood on his side at the wedding, and NEITHER has pulled a single ounce of this crap. They embraced my sister for what she was: the woman who was making their best friend incredibly happy. The person they had been hoping he would find. THAT is what best friends do.

Someone needs to confront this friend about what her true feelings are. Maybe she's never sorted them out for herself. Maybe she has issues that go far beyond this guy who is her friend. But something is off, and you shouldn't have to be the one paying the price.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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29 Oct 2010, 12:00 pm

Niamh wrote:
Why is it that doing everything to make her happy and to be a good friend to her wasn't enough? It just baffles me... Oh well. Her loss.

Because what she needs and wants isn't a friend? Maybe she felt powerful controlling him (abusive), or maybe she had unresolved feelings; either way, I don't think she was ever in that relationship to have a "friend."

Sorry for jumping in so late.

What is the update?

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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01 Nov 2010, 6:16 am

Finally, I'm back after a week in Germany with my choir. Unfortunately, that meant a week with this woman in a hostel in Dachau - and at first I was put sharing a room with her! The stress of that and being abroad and with 120 people and having a different routine every day made me get quite sick and I had to be moved to a room of my own separate to the main building. The first three days, I'd been sharing with her and her friend, so she played nice in front of her friend. I learned just how shockingly well she can act. She really has no problem being a fake... It's disgusting. Almost as soon as I moved out she went back to ignoring me. She now does this double-take thing where she'll look away when I look at her (I usually wave and/or smile) and then she looks back to see if I've looked away yet. If she catches me still looking the second time, she'll smile back for about a microsecond. So basically, she's back to blanking me and thinks she'll get away with it again because she has done for so long, but since I put my foot down about this, my boyfriend has been ignoring her. He admits he's been too soft and been trying to keep both of us happy which was stupid because it was never going to work. And he also feels relieved about it, which is a good sign, means he's on the same page as me. He's ignoring her first to give her the message that he's cooling off, and while she's probably rehearsing her manipulative script for him, he's getting his ready too so he can throw it all back at her. Then we know she'll start messing with his head and trying to make him feel guilty and playing games with him and he's going to just ignore all the rubbish and focus on the subject of her being an ass. So far, she's texted him three times and he's ignored them, so she's going to explode at him any time now. It's a really bad time to have had to go to Germany and then to have to go to my parents' place midweek!! ! I want to be there with him if she does it by text or phone... I know he doesn't really want me to be there if he faces her in person but if she does her thing by text or email or phonecall then I could help him out if she throws something particularly nasty at him...


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01 Nov 2010, 2:12 pm

Ok thankfully I don't have to go anywhere this week! So, hopefully, I can be there for him when she starts her narcissistic tantrum. Only the situation's become stickier because she played nice while we were in Germany and we were sharing a room. She'll hold that against him. She did acknowledge my existence today when I passed her in the hallway at college, so she'll blow that into some big friendly gesture that it wasn't, as I've learned that she has no shame in lying and acting. I'm kind of weirdly excited to have this big obstacle taken out of the way, but also dreading it as she'll screw around with my boyfriend's head as much as possible. But he seems to be feeling more and more ready for it and is going to just cut her out completely so I think he's going to be strong. Regarding our own personal issues, we're back to normal, and he's making as much effort in the relationship as he used to and all is well again :-) Just this to sort out...


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01 Nov 2010, 2:16 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
Niamh wrote:
Why is it that doing everything to make her happy and to be a good friend to her wasn't enough? It just baffles me... Oh well. Her loss.

Because what she needs and wants isn't a friend? Maybe she felt powerful controlling him (abusive), or maybe she had unresolved feelings; either way, I don't think she was ever in that relationship to have a "friend."

Exactly. I think she's a narcissist and so she was just abusing him the whole time, and of course he's the ideal target, being a bit of a softie. She bullies him too and he's just learned to tolerate it and accept it from her which is madness. But he's sorting it out now... She'll be out of his life soon and we'll both have peace! He's even said that he finds it a relief, so that doesn't say much about their "friendship".


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01 Nov 2010, 5:46 pm

I think you're doing well. If you can deal with sharing a room with her, you can deal with anything. If you can stick it out until this phase of your life passes that would be good.

If she behaves like a child its not your problem. What you need to do is do whatever you can to try and stop caring. If you ever start feeling guilty or involved, tell yourself she deserves it and think of something else straight away.

You need to train your brain to file her out of your life as much as possible.


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02 Nov 2010, 3:17 am

Ya interestingly that's what's happening, I'm starting to lose interest in her and just laugh at her weirdness. I'm finding it liberating that I can walk freely into a room and she'll get all awkward and pretend for a moment to be friendly, then quickly leave the room. I'm free now! I don't have to deal with her nastiness any more. And it's easy to avoid her - all I have to do is hang around with people who she sees as inferior, i.e. our peers. She'll hang about with staff members at college or older members of the choir but NEVER with fellow students, unless one or two of those is like her in having an inflated head. I'm becoming happier and my relationship with my boyfriend is getting back to normal, and I can do anything/go anywhere I want while she has to scamper away quickly. She'll be gone from my life in no time, and in the meantime I just laugh when I see her doing her thing. I'm free to live as I want, and she's trapped in her own crazy world of mind games which she's losing!


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02 Nov 2010, 4:42 am

Well good luck and I hope you don't have future problems with her.


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02 Nov 2010, 3:36 pm

Bracing myself for later... Boyfriend's on his way back from a job interview, friend has been nagging him by text but he wants us to tackle this together because he knows she'll mess with him! She hasn't got any dirt on me. :-) 2 hours time she'll be having her temper tantrum and being rotten to both of us and I'm going to get ANGRY... Looks like she's going to explode via text.


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03 Nov 2010, 5:04 am

Wow that woman's unbelievable... She was so manipulative and nearly had him fooled again, really glad I was there! He texted her and told her he couldn't go on knowing that she had a problem with me any more and knowing that she'd treated me badly, then she went on about how nice she was to me for the first few days of Germany, then he said it wasn't about Germany it was about her not wanting to get along with me, then she said ok I admit I have a problem and us being friends is probably not going to work but can we end it without any animosity, then he said ok, then she said "give me a call if you ever need me ok?" which REALLY pissed me off, cos she was essentially trying to get permission to be nasty to me but be friends with him! And then I pointed that out to him before he did anything to play into her hands, so he said he doesn't need someone who won't get along with someone he loves and that he couldn't take any more lies and accusations, then she said that that wasn't fair because she'd tried her best (lie) and she'd been a good friend (lie) and she'd wanted to get along with us both (lie) and a bunch of other stuff that was basically the truth turned upside-down! Classsic narcissism. He replied "Almost none of that was true (she mentioned Germany again)" but I can't remember the rest of his text. Anyway, she got grumpy about being accused rightly of her nastiness and signed off in a huff. The whole thing was both hilarious and enraging.

Now I need to get my boyfriend not to feel bad about it and to ignore any nasty stuff she sends to him... He has to go through a whole recovery process now... I want him to go hang out with his other friends, she seems to have convinced him that he's a bad person and that he has no friends. He's a wonderful person with lots of friends, all he has to do is go meet up with them more... Guess he should block her from Facebook like I have or she'll use that as another means of bullying, because even those who aren't friends can send messages...


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03 Nov 2010, 5:12 am

If he is serious about this he will cut all contact with her.