I waste a lot of time trying to avoid offending people and analyzing what happened after I do. I don't exactly feel guilty about it and I don't say sorry lightly, but I hate the frustration of misunderstandings and the resulting messes, like being fired or bullied or shunned etc. I feel like there are loose ends that need to be tied up if I've hurt somebody's feelings, but whenever I try to explain or make up for it, things just get worse. Some people use being offended as a power trip.
Things have gotten a lot less stressful for me since I've realized that no matter what I do, somebody is going to get offended. There's just no point in worrying about it. Some of my relatives don't talk to me anymore because I "offended" them, but the truth is I'm much happier without them in my life! The difficulty comes when I can't get away from the after-effects, like with coworkers and neighbours who decide I'm a threat and treat me like garbage.
My son was born a preemie, and was in the hospital for several weeks before he came home. Well, I was constantly offending the doctors and nurses, who mistakenly thought I was criticising them. I told one doctor, "Have fun on your vacation!" and she thought I was being sarcastic, maybe because I happened to throw something in the garbage as I said it, I really don't know (and it doesn't matter). One of the nurses got all defensive because when I took my son out of the incubator and wrapped a blanket around him, I said to him, "That's nice and warm." She thought I was implying that she didn't keep him warm enough.... See what I mean? There was absolutely nothing I could have done to avoid these ridiculous "offenses". It was all in their heads, and I can't be trying to control what goes on in other people's heads.