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16 Nov 2015, 2:21 pm

Older, married men (which I do not want) Maybe they just fee safe talking to me because they know that they can't really get rejected because they aren't seriously "shopping" therefore it's safe to talk to the interesting young woman.

Guys my age, not interested.


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16 Nov 2015, 4:20 pm

Men who are old enough to be my freaking father - why they think they'd have a chance I have no idea. They must have a stellar personality because they have nothing else. And I'd need several paper bags or just take my glasses off so they'd be a complete blur. :roll:

Married men - several. Complete as*holes in my opinion.

Men 25-45 - doofuses. They wouldn't know a good woman if they tripped over them. Most are still waiting and hoping for that certain "bombshell" to come along. They need to look in the mirror - and get a better job.

All it takes for me is about 1 week to be on a singles website and I'm reminded again of how shallow men really are and why I'm still single.

Again, I'm completely turned off by men.

I was just at the Sprint store this last week and all I did was talk to this guy who was waiting in line just like I always talk to people and then he started to flirt with me and kept looking at me and getting closer to my space. Nothing wrong with that - until after about 10 minutes I saw a wedding ring on his finger. I just excused myself and went to sit down. What is wrong with men? Do they just "forget" about their wife and kids? Do they really think they have a snowballs chance in hell of anything happening? It's f'n nauseating!

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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16 Nov 2015, 4:29 pm

nurseangela wrote:
Do they just "forget" about their wife and kids? Do they really think they have a snowballs chance in hell of anything happening? It's f'n nauseating!

Disrespectful, too. It's as if they are assuming you don't care about participating in something that will hurt someone. And betrayal hurts a LOT.


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16 Nov 2015, 4:35 pm

Varelse wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Do they just "forget" about their wife and kids? Do they really think they have a snowballs chance in hell of anything happening? It's f'n nauseating!

Disrespectful, too. It's as if they are assuming you don't care about participating in something that will hurt someone. And betrayal hurts a LOT.

The sad thing is that some women will take them up on it, but they shouldn't play into it in the first place. When I'm in a relationship, I don't even look at other men let alone flirt with them and that's what I would expect out of my Hunny too.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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16 Nov 2015, 5:10 pm

Perhaps it's less clothing than Aspie body language.

Yeah, it's probably that, too.

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18 Nov 2015, 4:36 am

Ironically, almost never the type I'm actually into...

I have a long history of having a certain "type" come onto me, usually the highly neurotic and moody type with various emotional issues, and of a widely fluctuating age range. Much older men seemed to be far more interested in me when I was a teenager than they are now, even though I look almost exactly the same :? The last one to do so was nearly 20 years older than me and once I had a guy over 30 years older, older than my dad, than me try it on. Strangely, the odd woman, usually older with a certain aggressive personality type, occasionally has a go...

I'm by no means trying to imply that I'm a particular catch (I know I'm not) but other people have actually commented that I seem to attract a very specific "type", which is.unfortunately the opposite of what I look for now or need in my life. It's most frustrating...

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18 Nov 2015, 10:09 am

The few who did were outcasts and disliked by pretty much everyone.

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20 Nov 2015, 4:51 am

I have absolutely no idea why, but there seems to be an disproportionate number of Germans interested in me. I'm Norwegian. I had a German penpal once and we pretty much had an intense online relationship, we shared a common interest. When I went to a music festival in Denmark once, I came home with a list of German boys' email addresses. When I lived in England, we had a house party and a German boy tried it on with me.

My husband is NT, as far as I know, however a real geek and when I met him pretty much the first thing he did was to show me his Dungeons and Dragons books. I was also once hit on by a disillusioned office worker who had lost all hope in humanity and wanted to quit his job and come live on my farm. He finally caught on after I'd repeatedly hinted I had a husband and child.

So I don't know, I think I attract men who are looking for "something different"? Haha.

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20 Nov 2015, 5:40 am

nurseangela wrote:
What is wrong with men? Do they just "forget" about their wife and kids? Do they really think they have a snowballs chance in hell of anything happening? It's f'n nauseating!

Men and monogamy just don't seem to mix too well. :D Gotta keep on a tight leash on them at all times, see... :lol: :lol:

Seriously, though, I don't think they are looking to do anything with you, but it probably is very flattering for a married man with a wife and child(ren) to see that he still has what it takes to impress a random woman on the street. If he especially isn't getting much attention from his wife for any reason, then the fact that a young good-looking woman is actually striking a conversation with him at a cell phone store must be a huge stroke to his ego (because, after all, why else would a woman talk to him, right) ???

There was an "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode where Ray takes his ring off (or loses it ?) and some random woman strikes up a conversation with him and asks him if he'd like to get a drink. Ray later relates the conversation to Debra with such smugness that it infuriates her. All the more so because Ray makes it sound like it was such a huge deal that he turned down a "chance" with a good-looking woman, because he is marrieedddddddddddddddddddd (like he did his wife a favour by turning down the "offer"). And he doesn't get *why* Debra reacts angrily, when she should be happppyyyyy that her husband didn't go out with a random female he ran into at the airport..

Men... Not so much un-monogamous (is that even a word ?) as just completely and utterly clueless !

O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
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20 Nov 2015, 8:08 am

At the moment, None. I haven't had anyone interested in me in a long time.

The thing that meems was hoping for at 30 happened to me, and it's not like I've lost my looks that much since my 20's either.


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06 Apr 2016, 2:21 pm

I actually got catcalled and flirted at a lot in high school and even the popular guys showed interest in me. This really confused the heck out of me because I personally don't consider myself very attractive. :?


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28 Apr 2016, 4:14 pm

Bisexual delinquents and awkward guys. I turned them all down.

I think I can do better than that, tbh. I dress mainstream and am fairly attractive, I'm hoping for a confident, polished guy. At least a 6, with a good personality. That's my standard, though I feel that boys at my high school want more mainstream girls, but whatever. College.


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01 May 2016, 6:47 pm

Apparently I seem to attract socially awkward, nerdy guys with self esteem issues. At least, every guy who has told me he fancied me happens to be like that. A lot of them have made a point to tell me that they "relate" to me. I think what they really mean is that I am the only girl who will give them the time of day and he doesn't have a chance with someone prettier and "normal". Or perhaps he is sincere and he's deluded himself into thinking that because we share a few superficial qualities,i.e still liking Pokemon well in our twenties and being an insufferable weirdo, that means we are TEH SOULMATES 5EVA.


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01 May 2016, 6:52 pm

The creepy ones who follow me around and don't take 'no' for an answer, even though I'm gay. >.<

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01 May 2016, 6:59 pm

MindBlind wrote:
Apparently I seem to attract socially awkward, nerdy guys with self esteem issues. At least, every guy who has told me he fancied me happens to be like that. A lot of them have made a point to tell me that they "relate" to me. I think what they really mean is that I am the only girl who will give them the time of day and he doesn't have a chance with someone prettier and "normal". Or perhaps he is sincere and he's deluded himself into thinking that because we share a few superficial qualities,i.e still liking Pokemon well in our twenties and being an insufferable weirdo, that means we are TEH SOULMATES 5EVA.

Same with me. I'm a bit socially awkward, I have blue hair, dress a bit quirky and ocassionally enjoy nerdy or geeky stuff. That makes a huge geek magnet. Although we share very superficial traits, we really aren't alike on the inside. I'm a very spiritual person. The guys I attract are diehard atheists and skeptics.

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13 May 2016, 6:18 pm

DevilKisses wrote:
Same with me. I'm a bit socially awkward, I have blue hair, dress a bit quirky and ocassionally enjoy nerdy or geeky stuff. That makes a huge geek magnet. Although we share very superficial traits, we really aren't alike on the inside. I'm a very spiritual person. The guys I attract are diehard atheists and skeptics.

I'm an atheist and a skeptic but I don't know for sure if I would be turned off by somebody for being religious or spiritual in some way. I feel like I could still be intellectually challenged (in fact, probably moreso) if I had a partner who was a theist. That would make for much interesting debate. We could keep each other on our toes, constantly challenging our biases and strengthening our intellect, which means we would learn something new all the time. That's something that I would be looking for in a partner if I was looking to have one.

I don't think having similar beliefs and interests is what makes people fall in love. I think it's personality and shared experience. I think love is something that is formed over time and you aren't a match for somebody just because you share similar ideological views or like the same hobbies. I suppose if you share similar values then that is also a contributing factor but one does not necessarily have to fall under a particular label to embody a certain value, i.e having a strong work ethic is neither left wing nor right wing.

The only reason why I am annoyed by guys that like me for being "different" is because they are setting themselves up for major disappointment and they ought to know better. It's like that movie Anomalisa, actually.