poopylungstuffing wrote:
I walk on my toes alot..but I can't wear high heels.
Most of them are too narrow for the front of my foot, and when I wear them, the blood seems to rush to my toes, causeing them to swell up..lose circulation...etc..
Plus there is the fear of twisting one of my tiny bird ankles.....nope...it's just crocs rubber clogs for me....till they wear out..
I love crocs rubber clogs too! They were all the rage in Truro (Cornwall, UK) but they don't seem to have caught on in London yet, though Colin Baker(the 6th Doctor Who) wore them to Invasion in Barking in March! It is a pity, as i can only find a shop selling them so far in my hometown of Castle Cary Somerset and my friend wants a pair now and i think I might have to wait till i go home for the holidays. I can dance on my toes in them! Accept no imitations! (for often clogs are hard with no arch support for wearing all day.) But wear what suits you.Birkenstocks in the sandal range are good too, anything footshaped. Otherwise its trainers or basketball boots- I found a pair of these secondhand once and wore them long before it became fashionable for girls to do so.
I once got used to a pair of high heels when I was 15 as it was the seventies and the bottoms of the heels were about as wide as the tops, then I got a pair of round ed blocky pvc boots, blocky sandals, wedgies, even wooden flowery clogs abounded then. Now shoes aregoing narrower, pointy and unsupportive in general and i fell off "kitten heels". I'm the other way, I get laughed at for having "duck feeT" and i have a curved spine too. my friend and I wore silver stillettos (super spikys) to a performance of Riverdance once but we cheated, we learned to walk on them first, and then only wore them i n the theatre, and when the last dance came on when everyone dances along with the troop, off came the stillettos, and we did Irish dancing in our stovkinged feet!
I have worn heeled boots but it is even more complicated to fall over in them- I still have a pair of blocky ankle boots but am llooking out for flat knee boots and blocky thighboots for dressing up.