teflon_woman wrote:
So today was the nanny's fourth day and she dropped the baby! Not far, and the baby is fine. But I'm having enough trouble adjusting to having a (ditzy) stranger in my home, looking after my child. How am I supposed to relax if I'm worried that the nanny is going to drop my baby? And I wasn't terribly impressed with the way she dealt with it either... answering important questions like What happened? and What part of her hit the ground? The baby's father doesn't think it's a big deal: it could happen to anyone. Except that we've had the baby for a year, and it hasn't happened to us. And if this girl freezes up under pressure, what will she do if the baby is really hurt and I'm not around?
Ack! What do I do? This girl is going to be back at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and I'm trying to figure out what to say to her. "If it happens again you're fired"? I don't want it to happen again!
See now this is where having more than one friend in my time zone would be good.
Sorry I appear to be taking over this thread...
Wow, you are totally in the right to be concerned - it's YOUR baby! I think if I wasn't comfortable with her and felt she wasn't open and honest, I'd want to find another nanny. I don't know how difficult it is to find one since I never had one. I used a day care the 2 days/week that I worked and they had licensed child development providers over-seeing everything. I'd try and keep a little closer watch on the nanny. By the way, how was the talk?
Don't worry about feeling like you are taking over the thread - you're just bringing it along. Your concerns and issues are important. I hope it helps.