League_Girl wrote:
I just bleed in my diapers. I am starting to think about using soft cups so it's not a bloody mess. Tampons, I just bleed around or bleed through because I had childbirth. I think they are for people who have never had a baby or never did vaginal birth.
Actually I'm going to have to disagree with this (it seems that you are in the early stages after childbirth? At least of the point you are making this post).
Before having my birthdaughter, I wore only pads. After her, I was able to do tampons after about 6 months out (and preferred to do so as my flow got heavier, thereby magnifying the ick factor with pads). You kinda have to give it some time to tighten back up again though. But I've noticed that not every brand of tampon works. I thought I was unable to do tampons because playtex gentle glide kept falling out (seriously, the fit was so terrible that it gave me a complex), but I found out that tampax pearl molds to the shape of my vagina better, thereby staying in better.
Maybe one day I'll try a menstrual cup. I'm interested.
anarchybovine wrote:
Tampons during the day, pads at night. Pads tend to chafe my thighs, so that's why I only wear them at night.
That's one thing I've always disliked about pads, and some brands are worse than others. I have never had good luck with kotex especially in that department. And I think too, that some manufacturers make pads too wide (as I am a smaller woman), and thereby scrunch them in a way to where they overshoot the width of my underwear and if they're too stiff, voila! Instant thigh chaffing. Usually at night, I select what I think to be the lesser of two evils: Will I sleep more than 8 hours and stay in one place? Or will the discomfort of a pad wake me and should I just set an alarm for 8 hours and put in a tampon? Usually I do the latter. I'm such a crankwad when I'm on my period though. Because sleep is always an issue with me. I think I'm living with an undiagnosed sleep disorder, so it's like, if I don't get my arbitrarily-placed 10 hours of sleep I'm not easy to live with. And having to switch out a tampon after 8 is annoying, wake up to make sure you're not getting your period is annoying, and so is trying not to flip 12 times while sleeping with a pad.
goofygoobers wrote:
I have one question: How do you insert tampons when you're a virgin? My vagina in VERY tiny.
I do believe there are some tampons specialize in that kind of thing. I remember there was brand when I learned to insert tampons (when I was 14) called kotex (or playtex? I can't remember) slimfits. But this was back in 1998 and I'm not sure if they still make them or who caters to that audience today, but I remember there being somebody in that aisle that made it clear on their package of being slimmer in the applicator.