What kinds of men show interest in you?
I attract men who wants something from me like sex. Men being near my dad's age, Desperate "hood negros" trying to hustle and make me a...you know what I mean. (Out of respect of the rules here.), I do attract guys who are either into pro-wrestling or something and are actual workers. Which I like, since they see pitential. Though I wish I could find a guy that is my age or slightly older and isn't crazy.
*Midori Gurin voice* I'm that one random Alice in Chains (mainly Sean and Jerry...Okay all of them.) fangirl mixed with other fangirl type stuff or nah...Okay, I am.
*goes back on phone thinking of first cosplay ideas*
short men who tell me to drop my pants, get into a relationship with my limerent object and be the only person she had ever truly loved at that point, and then leave her and suddenly move to new york without a trace.
הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.
I'm not sure I have a type... I WISH more people would be interested in me!
I can't stand some of the ethnic men that show interest in me (mostly hispanics) because they are very creepy and invade my personal space and can't take no for an answer, and I typically end up hating them.
Other than that- thanks to people pointing it out to me- I've now noticed that LOTS of guys watch me/seem interested, but just hang around in the background... looking like they want to talk to me, but then not.
And I just die from awkwardness by myself in a corner somewhere...
I wish I attracted people that were more similar to myself. However, I don't know where the male me's are in the world- probably hiding out... because that's what I would do
I used to get LOTS of creeepy creepers that thought they could rape me or take advantage of me in other more insidious ways... but I learned eventually... I still get this tripped up some times.
I also have a REALLLY hard time judging interest. Like unless someone is screaming at the top of their lungs
even then I'm kind of like... "Wait- wut? but why? I don't understand??! !" <- I'm not deformed, but I'm not exactly pretty either- so it's kind of confusing to me.
I'm kind of like: "dum duh duhhh derr duh dadummmm~ wut?! Human interaction? huh???"
I'm an atheist and a skeptic but I don't know for sure if I would be turned off by somebody for being religious or spiritual in some way. I feel like I could still be intellectually challenged (in fact, probably moreso) if I had a partner who was a theist. That would make for much interesting debate. We could keep each other on our toes, constantly challenging our biases and strengthening our intellect, which means we would learn something new all the time. That's something that I would be looking for in a partner if I was looking to have one.
I don't think having similar beliefs and interests is what makes people fall in love. I think it's personality and shared experience. I think love is something that is formed over time and you aren't a match for somebody just because you share similar ideological views or like the same hobbies. I suppose if you share similar values then that is also a contributing factor but one does not necessarily have to fall under a particular label to embody a certain value, i.e having a strong work ethic is neither left wing nor right wing.
The only reason why I am annoyed by guys that like me for being "different" is because they are setting themselves up for major disappointment and they ought to know better. It's like that movie Anomalisa, actually.
I don't really see my spirituality as a belief or interest. It's basically the way I think and experience life. It's kind of like a musician dating a deaf person. When guys who are atheists or skeptics are interested in me they tend to be guys who are after manic pixie dream girls. I don't like being seen as this cute and innocent girl who needs to learn "true logic and science." I want the people who I'm dating to actually respect me.
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