do you feel like you have a male brain in a female body?

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(for the females): do you feel like you have a male brain in a female body?
yes 41%  41%  [ 143 ]
yes 41%  41%  [ 143 ]
no 9%  9%  [ 33 ]
no 9%  9%  [ 33 ]
Total votes : 352


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11 Mar 2007, 9:48 pm

aylissa wrote:
If I didn't have boobs and progeny I'd swear I was male.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Me too!


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12 Mar 2007, 6:21 pm

A few years ago I decided to be Luigi (from Mario Kart) for Halloween. I guess I did a pretty good job on the costume and make-up, because when I walked out of the bathroom, my family did a double-take - they did not recognize me.

Then when I wore it to work the next day, everybody seemed kind of freaked out. It was a very difficult day. I still don't understand it - did I look like too much of a guy???


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14 Mar 2007, 5:32 pm

Why does th poll say yes and no twice??

Um..sorta..when I was little i always pretended to be boy characters..had lots more in common with boys..was pretty androgynous...compared to other girls..Was often mistaken for a boy...Could understand boys a bit better.
Was often sorta repugnant to girls..and their parents..because I was so weird.

To this day..I am more comfortable around guys.
I feel more like myself around them.
I have a hard time understanding lots of "normal" females.
We make each-otehr uncomfortable.


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22 Apr 2007, 10:02 pm

Sometimes I think about it. I'm a tomboy, I like a lot of boy stuff, I hate dresses and make-up, I have a lot of common with boys.

When I was a kid sometimes I pretended to be boy characters and never girl characters (as poopylungstuffin). I played with cars instead of Barbie's dolls.

And at this day, things haven't changed. Almost all my favorite anime and videogame characters are males, and I identify myself with some of them.


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23 Apr 2007, 5:39 am

SamuraiSaxen wrote:
Almost all my favorite anime and videogame characters are males, and I identify myself with some of them.

Seconded, except for me it's the obscure old TV and radio shows I tend to get obsessed with. I always have some tangled up thread of repetitive thought going on, mostly replaying and rewriting my current obsession, and I do identify very strongly with certain male characters. Never female.

Now this sounds weird, and I don't know if it's an Aspie thing, a confused sexuality thing or what, but I can 'tell' if a woman's attractive, but not a man. The rare occasions I have found a man attractive, it's not been someone considered good looking by the rest of the world.

(Take The Goodies. I hang out on a Goodies fan forum, where there's a thread of lusty-type chat about Tim that's several hundred pages long, and one about Graeme is also several hundred pages long. The corresponding thread for Bill is maybe a dozen pages total, and it's mostly "Well, I like his music..." type stuff. Guess which one I fancy... yep, Bill. )

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23 Apr 2007, 6:31 am

Was born female, but I hate it, since taking male hormones, my brain has become even better at doing things I like

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23 Apr 2007, 6:38 am

I'd say almost 90% male brain...most of my female responses are things I've learned from female friends.


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17 May 2007, 4:19 pm

Feeling like a man in a woman's body is the closest thing I had to explaining myself until I found out about AS. Good question!

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19 May 2007, 4:57 pm

A very very dear (and turns out, Aspie) friend of mine told me in 1982 that I was the most man-like female he had ever met.
We were in love for a few years.
I was happy to find Simon Baron-Cohens theory about the extreme male brain, and I (perhaps naively) accepted his data at face value.
I was one of few females in engineering in college in the 1980s.
I am extremely systematic.
I systematize my baby!!
Estrogen provides many advantages.
I've had some good female friends, all NT. I'd have had a much harder time in this world without them. They gave me the girly info I needed to "pass for normal" in school.
I don't think SBC meant that women can't be analytical, etc, just that, by and large, they're more concerned about social connections. This doesn't offend me because it coincides with my own observations, and noted differences between myself and other females.
It has been wonderful to meet other female Aspies in person. I get along with them better than any other human.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 May 2007, 9:36 pm

There are times I feel more masculine and times I feel more feminine.

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24 May 2007, 8:26 am

l've always been considered very beautiful, but it never mattered. So guys have always shown interest and girls also. I'm indifferent of course, and some think it makes me mysterious and some a snob. That's my persona. My appearance has netted me jobs which is good, and other opportunities that I pretty much wasn't interested in and didn't take. I do math for a living in my own office, nice and quiet. I like invisible.
Is that male? Independant and analytical to the core. Except for my kids, who I can touch and feel genuine love for the first and only time since loving my Dad in childhood. My husband annoys me and seems needy and I don't see how it is lasting. He doesn't shake off, and I'm too preoccupied to do anything except dodge him. That sounds awful doesn't it, but I can't help it, I've tried.
I've enjoyed sex with nice looking, clean, athletic men. Being female, it's easy to come by if you want it. The only men I've ever wanted to have a relationship with were hard to get, and there have only been a few. Including my husband, but then after a certain point he needed things I couldn't give or don't want. I wish I were free because I don't think either of us will change.


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29 May 2007, 1:53 pm

I posted a longer quiz in the quiz forum that is for men and women: ... ic&t=35051

Maybe some of the people here would like to take it and post results over there?


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24 Jul 2007, 5:19 pm

yes and no.

I don't fit in with traditional gender roles at all; I like science fiction, I'm a science student, I have a black belt in aikido, etc. etc. But I'm attracted to men, and having some good female role models at the dojo has allowed me to see that I can be the way that I am and still be female. Just because I don't fit the girly-girl stereotype doesn't mean that I'm not female.

The stereotyped gender construct is wrong, in other words.


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02 Aug 2007, 7:42 am

I would actually describe myself as "a child in a woman's body." But as to whether that child is male or female, I have no idea.

When I really was a child, I played with both trains and dolls - but I used to play "schools" with my Sindy dolls far more often than dressing them up. I was never at all into "baby" type dolls.

I did Technical Drawing rather than needlework at school - I still hate sewing. I am totally ignorant of "hair & beauty" type stuff and easily get bored when out shopping with other women. I much prefer to go clothes shopping on my own - "I like that - does it fit? - does it suit me? - yes/no". Why do other women take so LONG about it?

On the other hand I get just as bored when men go on about sport and cars all the time, although I am happy to debate politics & current affairs with them (but not usually with women.)

To be honest I don't really understand the concepts of male/female brain. When transsexuals say they feel like "a woman in a man's body" I just don't get it. What do they mean by "feeling like a woman"? Why is it so important what kind of body they have?

I mean, if I had the choice, I think I would have chosen to be a man, but I don't have a problem with the fact that I am not.


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15 Feb 2011, 5:09 am

This has been a hard question for me to answer. I think I lie in the more androygonous region, I have both male and female traits. I dont fall neatly into either gender which has made things hard to relate to other people. I cant relate to girls nor can I relate to guys. Ive always found it easier to relate to people who were closer to the middle.

When I was a kid, I was not really into things that were girly, stuff like shopping, fashion, dolls, makeup did not interest me at all. Im quite surprised as now Im older to see makeup, accessors and fashion designed for young girls. Its like makeup for 8 yr olds, wtf, I didnt know that existed. Me and my sister tended to be more into gender nuetral toys, entertainment, etc. We were huge on stuffed animals, my house used to have lots of stuffed animals lying around. We were into shows like power rangers and pokemon. We used to climb the mango tree we had in out backyard and run around barefoot a lot, occationally play some video games. The only girly thing I did was dancing. Yeah we definitely weren't girly girls.

As I look at myself now, female wise I can be emotional, a little sensitive with being way to paranoid about what people think about me, and I have feminine interests(cooking, sewing, crafts). Male wise, Im very logical and systematic, I will reason every thing I possibly thing. I try use scientific rational for a lot of thing considering that Im a scientist, Im not empathetic.