SamuraiSaxen wrote:
Almost all my favorite anime and videogame characters are males, and I identify myself with some of them.
Seconded, except for me it's the obscure old TV and radio shows I tend to get obsessed with. I always have some tangled up thread of repetitive thought going on, mostly replaying and rewriting my current obsession, and I do identify very strongly with certain male characters. Never female.
Now this sounds weird, and I don't know if it's an Aspie thing, a confused sexuality thing or what, but I can 'tell' if a woman's attractive, but not a man. The rare occasions I have found a man attractive, it's not been someone considered good looking by the rest of the world.
(Take The Goodies. I hang out on a Goodies fan forum, where there's a thread of lusty-type chat about Tim that's several hundred pages long, and one about Graeme is also several hundred pages long. The corresponding thread for Bill is maybe a dozen pages total, and it's mostly "Well, I like his music..." type stuff. Guess which one I fancy... yep, Bill. )