Any female Aspies decided that motherhood is not for them?

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01 Aug 2013, 4:55 am

8) Children ? Oh, hell no.

Most women see no problem with not wanting to play computer games, and choose to raise children.
Well, I choose to play computer games and don't want to be raising children.

Tufted Titmouse
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03 Oct 2013, 9:58 pm

yessssssssss i dont want children either! I am too selfish and like to do my own things by myself. And and and I love sleep. Nothing will make me change my mind. I hate people in society discriminating against me because i am a woman. When will people understand that Being a woman doesnt mean I want children.

All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you.

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04 Oct 2013, 3:17 am

spook24 wrote:
give me a cat dog or horse... ANY DAY :) :D and i melt in an instant. maternal for animals yes...babies and hope on bleedin hell!. any other female like this? i so hope it aint just me :) cos every i look females are have sprongs :roll: :lol:

Me too! I have no partner, husband, or children but I do have three dogs and a horse. I knew as a child myself that I would never have children. As I got older and nosey people asked in their pitying way why I was single and childless I would answer that I couldn't have children as that made them shut up and change the subject.

I have never understood how some women think it's okay to ask such personal questions as to why I don't have or want children. After all, I don't interrogate them as to why they don't have or want a houseful of dogs. :roll:


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06 Oct 2013, 6:08 am

Boli wrote:

I have never understood how some women think it's okay to ask such personal questions as to why I don't have or want children. After all, I don't interrogate them as to why they don't have or want a houseful of dogs. :roll:[/quote]

Exactly Bolli - you never hear people - childfree or those with kids asking eachother "SO why DID you have kids then?!" :lol: .

its always "oh 8O you're not having kids? why not. dont you like them?" "well to be perfectly blunt: no. i like my life as it is thank you very much- peaceful and quiet and hassle free :D". then i continue with "and why did YOU have kids? I dont judge you for having kids so please dont judge me for my decision not to" and walk away leaves them perplexed and bit thoughtful :lol: .


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07 Oct 2013, 4:14 pm

girly_aspie wrote:
...but all I need is to stand in a grocery store line up with a loud toddler and I'm ready to rip my ovaries out with a spoon.

:lol: THIS.


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07 Oct 2013, 4:22 pm

Glasskitten wrote:
I am terribly frightened of being a mother, even if I saw a purpose to it. I don't enjoy the company of children, their crying is a sensory nightmare, and I don't consider myself high-functioning enough to keep additional persons physically and mentally healthy for more than a few days. But I've accepted that I could conceive some despite my best efforts, whether from contraceptive failure in a relationship or just from some psycho raping me on the street. I've started to consider my options for how to keep my hypothetical progeny from dying of abuse (if they got adopted) or neglect (if I had to raise them myself). It's probably good to aim for the sort of spouse who could manage childcare duties on his own if needed--though I'd feel lucky just to have a spouse at all. Or suppose I had an open adoption so I could still see how the kids were being treated, and tried to find high-functioning Aspie adoptive parents who were at peace with non-neurotypical behavior, and threatened them with mafia involvement if they thought of harming my little prince(ss)...?
Of course, it doesn't help that my in-case-of-lottery-winning-or-equivalent dreams involve a nomadic lifestyle spanning the entire globe, from the trendiest cities to the harshest wildernesses to the scariest dictatorships. Poor hypothetical future kids.
I've also considered sterilization, but the possibility of side effects worries me.

I know a few people who don't understand my concerns, but as far as I know that's just their quirky little subculture. Not to diss their subculture; its own children seem to turn out very emotionally healthy.
My own mother always says, "It's probably a bad idea to have kids this late in human history. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and the younger ones will have it worse." I have no way of knowing how late in human history we really are, but it's nice she's supportive. :lol:

As someone who is a birthmother (given a kid up for adoption when I was 20, I think you are being very unrealistic about adoption.

1) They, (the adoptive parents) are the ones with the final say on how open or closed to keep the adoption, not you. Here in the US people can say they are doing an open adoption and not follow through on their word and not have someone always there to make sure they follow through on their words.

2) You're assuming there are endless people waiting to adopt someone with autistic genes. There were two families to choose from, one was a "hell no" (older and desperate) the other one was more fundie politically however we had other things in common. There won't be a custom assortment of parents waiting to adopt, and certainly, less likely to be Aspie anyhow.


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07 Oct 2013, 4:47 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
I just know living beings who behave that way when it comes to reproduction are selected against, in favor of those who don’t stop to think whether it’s good or bad for them to reproduce. I wouldn’t like people to have made that decision centuries ago, so I’d have never existed, even if I think my life sucks (it could also be much worse).

But this is sort of a moot point, because people won’t go extinct this way in the foreseeable future. What will happen is that there’ll be less and less people like you. Someone mentioned in another thread the fraction of aspie women who marry and have kids is much lower than that of aspie men, despite having significantly less trouble getting relationships or sex in the first place. It’s clear you, on the whole, are letting yourselves be wiped out.

Judging by your answers, I’m sorry if it looked like I was trying to force my ideas onto you all. I’ve just come to think some of you are very interesting, and can’t say I’m glad that a few centuries from now, there may be no more women who think, feel, behave and communicate in the unique way you seem to do, and which seems to match so well on some levels with that of aspie men, even with all our differences. I also don’t like the feeling that perhaps intelligence in women is being selected against.

In short, it was intended as a compliment, and probably a lame one at that, but this is what I really think.

Except that you ARE trying to force your ideas onto us. Please go have a seat. :arrow:

This is not a compliment though. I don't wrap my ovaries in such narcissism, and I (nor anyone else in this thread) owes you a single damned thing. You are not entitled to an aspie woman. Not at all. And certainly had I been single, you'd be the last kind of guy I would've ever wanted to get with, because you don't value a woman's right to her own autonomy and her choices (yes choices) to procreate or NOT procreate if that's what she wanted. Also, let me reiterate-- Just because we're aspie women, doesn't mean that we are destined to all go to aspie men.

Also, we're not going extinct, I think you're being alarmist.

When you talk about how "you wouldn't have wanted anyone to have made the decision so that you wouldn't have existed", it is insensitive to the issues that we all deal with. It's insensitive to a person's right to know how they themselves are. It's insensitive to be dismissive of what effect a bad childhood has on us who have had bad relationships with our mothers-- mothers who were more than JUST unprepared to raise us, mothers who were control freaks like mine who couldn't accept having an unusual non-NT child, mothers like mine who flew off the handle and shouted at their kids "you didn't come with a manual!", and outright told their kids like my mom did to me, that I "should've been an abortion"-- a good 14 years after I was born. I told her "good!! that way you wouldn't have raised me to devalue me because I wasn't that normal kid that you wanted!" Clearly do you understand what it's like to be unwanted and resented??? Because I can tell you how that feels.

To tell someone to breed just because that is your preference in women, is 1) forcing your beliefs on other people 2) Is also insensitive to the fact that many aspie women only make motherhood work because they rely heavily on their less-afflicted more NT partner for help 3) assumes a lot about people, whom you have NO control over (thanks but we're not cattle and certainly not objects either).

I better stop before I find more angry words to vomit through my fingertips before hitting submit.


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07 Oct 2013, 4:50 pm

Kjas wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
I think the human species would be long extinct if everybody questioned some things so much :)

I’m sorry if this sounds like one of those trite comments, but this thread saddens me a little. I’m sure you gals are sentencing a lot of good genes to going down the drain.

You have to remember, most of us here are autistic, and already that impacts on our quality of life.
Some of us would be incapable of raising a child and caring for it.

And for some of us here, although we may be capable of raising a child - it would likely impact our quality of life negatively quite dramatically. Especially for those of us who have enough trouble keeping jobs, maintaining some kind of social network for support, and maintaining an intimate relationship - a child would either make those issues exponentially worse or more stressful - or could be the straw that breaks the camels back (so to speak).

There are also some of us here who have more than one condition, as well as autism. Some of those many be mental, or they may be medical, but in some cases - certain people who have multiple genetic conditions, and who are aware of their conditions, may consider passing them on to another human being knowingly, to be unethical.

Edited: And all of this is without taking into account that the guy will probably leave, leaving us to do everything by ourselves. Statistically speaking, that is the most likely outcome. Once you take that into account, that you cannot depend on the father, either to be present in the childs life, to parent it, and to help provide financially for it - the situation obviously gets much worse.

THIS. Because Kjas speaks so much sense.


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07 Oct 2013, 4:58 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
I think the human species would be long extinct if everybody questioned some things so much :)

I’m sorry if this sounds like one of those trite comments, but this thread saddens me a little. I’m sure you gals are sentencing a lot of good genes to going down the drain.

IDGAF if you're saddened, you still don't get to control women's bodies. You seem so obsessively fixated on our genetics that it's creepy.

On that note, I just changed my tampon and jokingly had a mock "funeral" as I flushed the unfertilized remnants of bloody egg & lining down the loo. Be sure to mourn that (and remember that you're on the women's board above all, so if you get grossed out at that comment, blame yourself for being here).

That, and you don't really get a say in my life, you don't know me and how I function (IMO my executive function is even worse than many aspies because I also have adhd as well), you just see my picture and a text representation of me.


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07 Oct 2013, 5:00 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
I've known since I was very young (before the age of 10) that I don't want children.
I like them, I work with them, but raising them is just not for me.

The best comeback I've ever seen to "You'll change your mind" (it only works on people who are already parents) is "So what happens if you change your mind about your children?".

*adds this to the bingo response list under "my biological clock is set to dog"*

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08 Oct 2013, 7:17 pm

I don't know if females only are supposed to post here...but where have females like you all been all my life? :D
Discovering this topic is like pure gold.

People say, "You'll want kids someday..." I tell them, "Yeah right." They say, "You say that now...but." Then I give them a more serious look and just say, "No." I used to work in the travel industry and I discovered that kids were really an ankle weight when it came to doing spur-of-the-moment, adult things. Think of all the fun you can have without kids! And its a lot cheaper too!

+1 to all you gals. :D

Now just to find someone who thinks the same way I do...

Tufted Titmouse
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08 Oct 2013, 7:19 pm

OH MY GOD. I joined this forum FOR THIS VERY TOPIC.

All of my NT friends are having babies out the wazoo, and I look and them and think, "But why? Why?" At least I'm now to the point where I can find babies cute, in a yes-but-stay-over-there kind of way, but...why? I have no maternal instincts whatsoever, and I never have. When my friends and relatives have kids, I don't know what to say or what to do, besides say their baby is cute (when it is, let's be real, people, there ARE ugly babies in the world) or ask after it (because that's polite, I've learned, even if I don't care). I held one of my friend's babies recently, and I kept waiting for the right time to give it back because my back hurt so badly, but my friend kept saying, "THANK YOU! My back hurts so much, even though I just got a massage!" And I was like, "Okay...this is the nice thing to do to take care of your NT friend...hold the REALLY HEAVY sleeping baby until it is socially appropriate to give it back." I have no idea how women do that for...years. Years. Seriously. Years.

And the sensory issues? Noise, smells, messes, need for attention? No way. I wear ear plugs at home so I don't have to hear my roommates do normal things like walk around the apartment or watch TV.

I grew up MORMON of all things, where they say that as a woman it is your solemn duty to get married young and have as many children as you possibly can. I told my mother when I was 15 that I was never getting married and I was never, ever having children. I am now 32, and I look at all of my friends' kids, and I think that whole lifestyle is very strange.

My SIL is now pregnant, and she's sworn up and down for years that she doesn't want children. My little brother has always wanted children (he's a popular, organized, outgoing Leo NT), and a part of me is afraid that she got pregnant to keep the marriage together. (BECAUSE THAT ALWAYS WORKS OUT WELL) She acted like it was a huge surprise that she got pregnant, even though she had an IUD removed and worked with a naturopath to regain her fertility.

One of my old bosses (female), got pregnant, and she confided to me that she didn't really want to have a baby but her husband did and "it was time." Like, "that's what you do when you're married and you reach a certain age." She called it "The Monster" and said that it was really weird to have a parasite inside of you, growing and feeding on you and making you sick.

Are these really the types of women you want to become mothers? Mothers who have a child they don't really want, to make a bargain with a man for a marriage that might not last? Mothers who call their unborn babies "The Monster"? Kids know if they're not wanted. I did. God, please, at least I like children enough to recognize that they ought to have mothers who WANT them! God! At least we HAVE THE CHOICE nowadays to not have them!

I never liked babies or children, and I've always kept that private until now. I feel that if I do say that, the air will suck out of the room, time will stop, and everyone will look at the alien in the room, me, who just said a weird inhuman thing. I might like a particular child, like my nephew, who painted a toy ornament specifically FOR ME, because I had helped him with his socks and shoes once when I visited and he almost had a meltdown because he couldn't put them on. (He's since been diagnosed with Aspergers, and probably had fine motor skill issues then.)

I did babysit a little, but I never sought out that kind of work, my parents' friends asked me. I remember watching BONES, and Bones was asked on a TV interview if she liked children, and she said, "No," and didn't get why everyone thought she had committed a huuuuuuge PR faux pas. But I was all, "PREACH, BONES! SAY IT LOUD, SAY IT PROUD!" Thank god for honesty! So refreshing.

The only child that I ever thought I might like to raise was the alien insect child from DISTRICT 9. He was really smart, didn't talk beyond chirps, and looked like an insect. But I'd probably be a better auntie to him, bringing him Chinese puzzles and legos and beginner circuit boards.

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Oct 2013, 9:37 am

musicforanna wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
I think the human species would be long extinct if everybody questioned some things so much :)

I’m sorry if this sounds like one of those trite comments, but this thread saddens me a little. I’m sure you gals are sentencing a lot of good genes to going down the drain.

IDGAF if you're saddened, you still don't get to control women's bodies. You seem so obsessively fixated on our genetics that it's creepy.

On that note, I just changed my tampon and jokingly had a mock "funeral" as I flushed the unfertilized remnants of bloody egg & lining down the loo. Be sure to mourn that (and remember that you're on the women's board above all, so if you get grossed out at that comment, blame yourself for being here).

That, and you don't really get a say in my life, you don't know me and how I function (IMO my executive function is even worse than many aspies because I also have adhd as well), you just see my picture and a text representation of me.

Well said musicforanna. Its absurd how we still have to fight for our basic female rights to have the choice to not have children.

All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you.


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09 Oct 2013, 11:34 am

When I was young, I thought, that if I were to have kids, they would have to be adopted, and toddlers at the youngest. 1. Babies didn´t appeal to me. 2. The world is crowded with kids in need of parents.
I never got around to it, and, frankly, - I never missed it.

Actually it wasn´t until my mid 40és, that I got this cuddly motherly feeling by looking at the little ones, and I enjoy them now, - but I haven´t missed being a mother, not one second! (I take it out on my old tom cat :lol: )

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10 Oct 2013, 4:32 pm

I'm not in any mental, emotional, or physical state to be a mother. My biggest concern is of course the social demands. I don't want to be held accountable for the kind of childhood or upbringing I provide for someone else because that does greatly affect their lives as adults.

I find most parents are often apathetic about their childhood struggles so when their kid possesses the same problems, their strategy is to tell the kid to "get over it" or "you'll grow out of it". As much as I would want to resist that kind of thinking I am beginning to understanding how it can be become a habit once you do become an adult. Example I am talking about here is bullying: it has had a severe effect on my childhood and my parents had a "get over it" attitude about it. If my child was going through the same stuff or worse I don't want that kind of parental apathy rubbing off on my kid. That would be a never-ending cycle of misery for us all.


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18 Oct 2013, 9:50 pm

What really frustrates me is that people keep saying I feel that way now and that later on, I'll feel differently. I WON'T!! Also, how am I going to be a social worker if I don't even like or want children?