as it stands now i go about 50% of the time without a bra. i don't conform to societies "vanity" standards. i don't wear make up, i rarely shave my pits and legs and i go braless quite often.
I read through the entire faq page. i think i will go even more often then i already do without a bra, since i can't stand wearing one anyway, allow my breasts support themselves and live a healthier life without a bra. i recommend you all look at this page, search for the brafree organization. there is no medical support that wearing a bra is healthy. there is no medical support that our breasts NEED support. they can support themselves without the extra help. it will take some time for them to readjust to not having the support and may cause some pain until that happens but by supporting them you are actually weaking the muscles that support them. please just read the bra faq page. some very interesting information.
here are a few points extracted from the website:
Many women believe that their breasts are healthier in bras. That's simply not true.
I have never seen a manufacturer cite any health benefit from wearing bras. Searching medical literature, I find nothing supporting a health benefit from wearing bras. (In fact, if any manufacturer will provide a list of proven health benefits from wearing bras, I'll publish it on this web site)
Those same manufacturers say that 80% of women wear bras that are too tight. But women choose bras that are tight because they think their breasts need "support."
As late as a few decades ago, physicians told women they needed to wear girdles to "hold their organs in place" - advice no more sound than the claim today that women need bras to "support" their breasts.
One study, done by Singer and Grismaijer, suggested that women who wear bras 24 hours a day may have more than a 100-fold greater incidence of breast cancer, compared to those who don't wear bras.
Medical research connects fibrocystic cysts with increased rates of breast cancer
I base my concerns on personal observation of patients with fibrocystic disease, who obtained dramatic improvement without surgery - simply by taking my advice to get rid of their bras. There are at least 30 peer-reviewed articles making the connection between cysts and increased rates of breast cancer. If not wearing a bra reduces fibrocystic disease, this is a no-brainer.
It could be a combination of genes, toxins, poor nutrition and bras
Bear in mind, that during the same period when women have worn bras, they've also been exposed to thousands of previously-unknown toxins in our environment.
I advise all women with fibrocystic breast disease to get out of their bras, because tight bras interfere with the breasts' natural way of getting rid of toxins.
If a patient continues to have tenderness, I prescribe natural progesterone, because she is estrogen dominant and has inadequate progesterone. Many of my patients don't have to go this far, once they get out of their bras.
Within three months of being bra free, most women will notice that their cysts are getting smaller, softer and less painful. Few develop new cysts.
"But I wear a bra so my breasts won't sag......"
Sorry, bras might make your breasts sag more.
You have ligaments in your breasts. They are designed to hold your breasts up. If you wear a bra for years - or, worse yet, wear a bra 24 hours a day for years - these ligaments will atrophy (get weaker and smaller).
The good news: If you stop wearing a bra these ligaments should get stronger and you should find your breasts perkier within about about three months.
Even if you have huge breasts, you should see significant improvement.
But, you say, someone told you that breasts don't have ligaments. Not so.
In nearly a quarter-century of watching patients free their breasts from artificial supports, I've personally seen the results. Try it.
If you stop wearing a bra, you may have temporary breast pain