17 years old, but still 99% sure I don't want children. While they're cute, it's just plain impractical, not to mention disgusting (at least to me, since I get dysphoric over having a female reproductive system). I'd rather not pass on my condition, all because having Aspergers has made me do some terrible things to my mother, and I'd rather not have history repeat itself. It's also likely I'd neglect them, since I tend to put most of my energy into my interests, and would much rather be designing webpages and practicing my writing in Japanese than dealing with a tiny human being that can't take care of itself and needs to have its poop cleaned up. My social skills are awful and it'd be impossible for me to teach a kid how to make friends and talk to people, which are things I find hard.
I wouldn't let any children call me "Mum" either, since I never quite understood the point of calling relatives by a name that isn't their proper name/nickname. And as a transhumanist who believes the age of immortality through medicine and machines is just around the corner, I'd rather not contribute to overpopulation and would rather live on myself through technology than through my bloodline.
Make cupcakes, not war.