Any female Aspies decided that motherhood is not for them?

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25 Oct 2013, 8:18 pm

I've never felt like having a kid. Just not interested. And I do feel the "not want to pass on screwed up genes" reason too but more for family reason than my AS.


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28 Oct 2013, 12:24 am

;-) Just think.... if you never have a baby then you will never take the risk of having your very own one of these -



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28 Oct 2013, 12:11 pm

I hate how all my Catholic relatives/co-workers think that it is necessary for women to do things like be a virgin forever pop out 10 children, get married to some jerk who is poor and cook soup while washing sweaty socks all day. Like, no thank you! I don't feel like getting sick and fat to have some ugly kid full of snots and give up my career for some guy who probably smells like BO anyway and will give everyone germs. UGhh! :evil: :evil:


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29 Oct 2013, 2:38 am

Every time someone mentions it to me.

I can barely take care of myself and I think I'm one giant kid. To be honest with my mental health issues I don't even want to be in a romantic relationship. And I just think if I did date how much time and attention I'll have to give to them. When will I have time for my interests?

I get along with my little nephews but I'm at the end of the day I can go back to a house where my only responsibility is toward two cats.

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31 Oct 2013, 6:49 am

I don't plan to ever have children either. I can already see myself getting annoyed. I want to be able to have my freedom. I have nothing against people who want children. What does irk me is when people tell me, "You'll change your mind. Everyone wants kids." I feel like telling them, "You'll change your mind about wanting kids." It's my decision.

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09 Nov 2013, 3:01 pm

I get angry and annoyed really quickly plus I am kind of asexualish so I don't think I will have any kids ever. I just don't feel I'm built for kids, I don't have the nerve and love for children.

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10 Nov 2013, 4:11 pm

I already have 2 kids from my first marriage(recently divorced) and though I love them dearly, I know that I am not cut out to have more than that. Nor do I want to, have tried to get myself sterilized after the birth of my youngest but doctors refused it to me due to my age. Tried to get the copper IUD that lasts 10 years, also was refused due to age(which I found out later that I should not have been denied that option at all, to my chagrin). To be honest, had I known that I was an Aspie years earlier, I would have elected to not have any children. Even though I'm not childfree, I do not like when women who are childfree by choice have to put up with ignorance and all other sorts of awful reactions from ignorant and judgmental people who think otherwise.

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14 Nov 2013, 4:38 pm

I'm still not sure if I want children.I think it would totally drain me and I'd neglect myself and that would not be healthy.I love children and want to work with them..but to care for one all day long? No,I'm not sure at all.Although it sounds vain,I don't want to go through pregnancy,hormones,gaining weight and delivering a child. 8O

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23 Nov 2013, 10:04 am

I'm not interested in having children. I don't know how to deal with them and I don't want to have my life compromised by them. Of course, I'm often being told that I will change my mind or that I don't know what I'm taking about.

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26 Nov 2013, 5:32 am

17 years old, but still 99% sure I don't want children. While they're cute, it's just plain impractical, not to mention disgusting (at least to me, since I get dysphoric over having a female reproductive system). I'd rather not pass on my condition, all because having Aspergers has made me do some terrible things to my mother, and I'd rather not have history repeat itself. It's also likely I'd neglect them, since I tend to put most of my energy into my interests, and would much rather be designing webpages and practicing my writing in Japanese than dealing with a tiny human being that can't take care of itself and needs to have its poop cleaned up. My social skills are awful and it'd be impossible for me to teach a kid how to make friends and talk to people, which are things I find hard.

I wouldn't let any children call me "Mum" either, since I never quite understood the point of calling relatives by a name that isn't their proper name/nickname. And as a transhumanist who believes the age of immortality through medicine and machines is just around the corner, I'd rather not contribute to overpopulation and would rather live on myself through technology than through my bloodline.

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29 Nov 2013, 5:51 am

The decision of whether or not to be a mother has pretty much been taken out of my hands. After all, it takes two to procreate, and I don't see myself being in a position to even have the prerequisite to being a mother within the span of my remaining theoretical reproductive years.

However, the state of my health being what it is, I'm glad the decision has been taken out of my hands (in the way that I'll never even accidentally wind up with a kid). Besides, everything down there hurts so much, the prerequisite activity is basically out.


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29 Nov 2013, 5:56 am

dobyfm wrote:
I don't plan to ever have children either. I can already see myself getting annoyed. I want to be able to have my freedom. I have nothing against people who want children. What does irk me is when people tell me, "You'll change your mind. Everyone wants kids." I feel like telling them, "You'll change your mind about wanting kids." It's my decision.

You have to understand, they are neurotypical. Neurotypicals *do* change their mind about that. They don't understand that we autistics do not change our mind so easily on such matters, and often never do.


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30 Nov 2013, 8:18 pm

I don't want to have or produce children ever. Even though I am youngish, I made up my mind and decided that I do not want kids. I would likely go into a permanent emotional breakdown or some form of insanity if I found out that I had a parasite growing inside of me. I would likely get it aborted too. I don't care if people say that I will change my mind because I would likely say back to them, "what happens if you change your mind about your kids?". Also, one time in school, a teacher asked our class who wanted to have kids and I was the only one who said no besides the teacher herself. Also, kids are loud and annoying and I don't want to be thrown into prison later due to me losing it.

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03 Dec 2013, 4:17 am

I sympathize with people who don't want children and get pressured to have them. I mean, I know I intend to be a mom one day, but that should be a job reserved for those who really want it, not people who have no passion for it. Putting pressure on people to have children they are hesitant about sounds like a way to create some really unhealthy relationships. Especially with how much difficulty with childcare autism can cause.


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03 Dec 2013, 1:32 pm

People who say "You'll change your mind!" are saying they know you better than you know yourself.

When a parent says it to me I'm generally tempted to say "You'll change your mind about wanting to be a parent, too."

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