MathGirl wrote:
Learning2Survive wrote:
You might find an autistic guy who does not like sex, and expresses his sexuality through talking and his personality and other non-physical ways.
I wish. It is my biggest dream to find a guy like that... which is very difficult. All the autistic guys at my school (in my grade) are just strange. They scare me...
he don't have to be autistic, hon, just umm.. sooo many men are impotent, you just don't know cuz they hide it. that means no physical sex for you right there. i don't how a guy like that can be located, though, but maybe you could ask your family and friends? just be open about it. people won't freak out. just say i want a bf but i don't want anything physical what-so-ever. it's kinda like coming out as say bi, but i believe it might be totally worth it. you are fine the way you are, and you deserve to get what your soul and what your body want - which in this case a guy who likes you but has no need to touch you. every woman needs a man in her life, and this would be the kind of man for you. you are only 18, so don't rush and don't get yourself in anything you are not 100% happy about. oh yeah, and there are sooo many guys who don't like sex with women cause they only enjoy masturbation and por*. that further expands your menu.
autistic guys can be nice and can be annoying jerks. just like nts. not all autistics created equal.
Some of the threads I started are really long - yeay!