Hermien wrote:
I'm trying to find some books on relationships with aspi women, written from a male's point of view. There is a bunch of books by women who write about aspi men / spouses, however, aspi women are different!
Also, I'm interested in books from aspi men on how to deal with their NT other half.
Please no autism books, Apergers, (of the high functioning type) is just fine.
How right you are, Hermien! Aspie women
are different from Aspie men! You could help write one, perhaps, because your need for information is an idea whose time has come
Women with Asperger's are just starting to come to the attention of the Autism world. Once thought to be very rare, Aspie women and girls are starting to be recognized as just as prevelent as their Aspie brothers, they just have a different presentation of their symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon