jc6chan wrote:
I thought that autism is like 8 times as prevalent in males, but I've noticed so many of wrongplanet's members are female.
-Male speaking here...
Because that is diagnosed. One of the things many researchers have found out is ASD manifest differently in Women. Alot of women fell through the cracks, and many psych professionals will not diagnose a woman with ASD. There is still alot of sexism built around this issue, and when they were creating the diagnostic requirements, even that was built around men. This is why you have alot of women who get diagnosed with PDD-NOS at a young age, then lose the diagnosis or have it replaced with NLVD. One can also ask why is NLVD now twice as prevaliant amoung women...when many of these women exhibit many of the same manifestations of AS.
They are all relevant questions...One of the things is that number used to be 8 times as many...more recent statistics say its 4 times as many. One of the problems is doctors didn't do a good job with recognizing it in women because it is more subtle and the manifestation is different than it is for boys.
The answers are COMPLEX. The best answer...it is just easier to spot with boys, but that doesn't mean its any less common with women.