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Snowy Owl
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21 Jan 2012, 9:35 pm

first off , hello. Im 20 years old, and not a mother... haha.
Well, here's my topic-

I could be pregnant, and Im wondering about Asperger's being passed down if I was indeed "with child."

I know I could "Google it," but I wanted to hear from others' experiences! :)

Figured it might be interesting.

Also , I kinda worry about being a mom if I am pregnant... as in, when my child gets older, what if their classmates make fun of them because of me? (Im called Creative/an Eccentric by those attempting to be "nice")

I dont know, I had a horrible highschool upbringing, so Im just worried in general.

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21 Jan 2012, 9:52 pm

i can't answer directly, but my dad had aspergers and had 4 kids, one with aspergers (me), one i'd call something very mild on the autistic spectrum, and two neurotypicals. one of my neurotypical sisters has an aspie son.

i was quiet, so didn't get bullied on my own account. no one teased me because of my dad, but i think it could happen.

someone who is concerned already about her child possibly being teased will make a great, caring mom.

Last edited by cathylynn on 21 Jan 2012, 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Jan 2012, 9:54 pm

cathylynn wrote:
i can't answer directly, but my dad had aspergers and had 4 kids, one with aspergers (me), one i'd call something very mild on the autistic spectrum, and two neurotypicals. one of my neurotypical sisters has an aspie son.

i was quiet, so didn't get bullied on my own account. no one teased me because of my dad, but i think it could happen.

awesome answer! and thanks for your honesty, i definitely see kids making fun of others for their parents... kids always think i dress oddly, so that might be a possibility...

"I miss the comfort of being sad." -Nirvana

Snowy Owl
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22 Jan 2012, 12:37 am

by the way, just took a test

wow... so many things to expect/enjoy/stress about too! ahahaha

"I miss the comfort of being sad." -Nirvana

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Jan 2012, 11:25 am

Congrats! :) How far along are you?

I am pregnant myself (6 weeks), so would be nice "getting to know" other aspie moms. My husband has AS, and Im in the proses of being diagnosed myself. I think babies has just turned into my new special interest, i've read ALOT about it the past days.

About the bullying; the thought has crossed my mind, but I think children always find something to tease each other about (kids are evil that way).

Snowy Owl
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22 Jan 2012, 4:16 pm

Applecore wrote:
Congrats! :) How far along are you?

I am pregnant myself (6 weeks), so would be nice "getting to know" other aspie moms. My husband has AS, and Im in the proses of being diagnosed myself. I think babies has just turned into my new special interest, i've read ALOT about it the past days.

About the bullying; the thought has crossed my mind, but I think children always find something to tease each other about (kids are evil that way).

I am 4 weeks in 2 days.... i didn't even miss a period yet =] Just knew I was and tested . POSITIVE ! =D

And yay! Babies and parenting are my special interests as well , i like to read up on different parenting styles. =]

So Do you have a social networking site, or Tumblr? I just started up my tumblr again, and now it's targeted towards the parenting/pregnancy side of my life. Do you have a tumblr? =D

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22 Jan 2012, 4:37 pm

Hi there. I'm actually diagnosed HFA, as is my daughter. My son is AS....DD and I are a little further into the spectrum than DS, but I really just think we got a dif diagnosis because "only boys are AS". ;)

My kids are envied, not teased. Most kids have really boring, constrained lives...and think it's really cool that mine have all the unique experiences they do...and that is all really just because a whole house of ASD functions soooo differently than a house of NTs. I'm not at all permissive, but parenting topics became my huge obsession once I had the kids. They're 10 and 13 now, and post in the kids and teens sections of this board occasionally. Not many people in our daily lives know we're ASD. It's not a secret...we just don't tend to mention it unless someone is struggling with a new diagnosis or we just can't balance one of our oddities with someone else's frustration over our oddities. ;) We just are who we are, you know?

I'm on g+ and fb, and would love to friend some aspie moms. Just pm me your profile addy if you're interested.

- incorrigible
HFA mom to AS CrashNomad(14) and HFA Spritely(11)
and wife to NT Beast

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Jan 2012, 4:42 pm

incorrigible wrote:
Hi there. I'm actually diagnosed HFA, as is my daughter. My son is AS....DD and I are a little further into the spectrum than DS, but I really just think we got a dif diagnosis because "only boys are AS". ;)

My kids are envied, not teased. Most kids have really boring, constrained lives...and think it's really cool that mine have all the unique experiences they do...and that is all really just because a whole house of ASD functions soooo differently than a house of NTs. I'm not at all permissive, but parenting topics became my huge obsession once I had the kids. They're 10 and 13 now, and post in the kids and teens sections of this board occasionally. Not many people in our daily lives know we're ASD. It's not a secret...we just don't tend to mention it unless someone is struggling with a new diagnosis or we just can't balance one of our oddities with someone else's frustration over our oddities. ;) We just are who we are, you know?

I'm on g+ and fb, and would love to friend some aspie moms. Just pm me your profile addy if you're interested.

Oh, that's awesome ! Wow, that IS an awesome thing ! And yeah , i'll pm you with my fb address , just please try not to post aboout my pregnancy, cause no one knows about it yet except a handful of people !=D yay !

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22 Jan 2012, 6:43 pm

Well, I'm AS. I've got three kids (DD10, DS4, DD2) and another baby girl due in June.

They're... KIDS. I don't know where any of them fall on the spectrum. I have suspicions, but honestly these days I try not to think about it too much. Just teaching all of them to make the most of themselves, regardless.

I imagine, in the wrong kind of environment, they'd catch some flack because of me. I know I caught some because of my Dad-- ironically, mostly from my own relatives, who were and are s**ts.

Catching hell for something is, unfortunately, part of life in this stupid society. Try not to worry about it. Just worry about having a healthy baby and how to be the best mother you can be (hint, nobody gets it perfect).


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Tufted Titmouse
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25 Jan 2012, 10:44 pm

I have two boys. My older son is 4.5 and is diagnosed ASD. He has never cared what people think of us, so I'm not worried about embarrassing him. He is much like I was at his age...completely oblivious to his affect on others. My younger son is 2 and a NT like my husband. He is a total momma's boy right now and copies everything I do, but I am sure at some point my sloppy clothes, wild hair, and wacky obsession with animals will cause him to second guess me. However, like a previous poster mentioned, we too live a life that other children tend to envy because we are so far from "normal."

As a side note, my father has Tourette's and I never noticed it until I was in middle school and had a classmate over for dinner. She asked me why my father jerked his arms so much. That remains to this day the only time I've actually watched his movements. It has always been such a normal part of our family that I don't recognize the difference and I can only hope my boys will feel the same about my odd behavior.

Congrats on your little one! I love being a mother.

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26 Jan 2012, 3:44 am

Hello I am a 25 yr old mother of 2. I have a 4.5 yr old who is HFA/ LFA depending on the day and a 3 yr old with Aspergers. I also have been diagnosed with Aspergrr's. My ex husband is not on the dpectrum but he is not NT. I am not sure what he is and I am not sure I want to know.

I am not worried about my kids being made fun of for me. They will most likely be made fun of for just being themselves which pains me but at the end of the day it is common for kids on the Autistic Spectrum to be teased. My son already gets teased at school by all the other boys. The girls seem not to do it yet but I am sure as they grt older and cliquier it will happen too. He has only 2 friends. One Nepalese boy who is very softly spoken and has Aspergers and A really empathetic boy who I have become great mates with his mother and she talks openly to her son about my son's problems.

I think the hardest part is watching the other parents snicker at their children's behaviour towards my son and dismiss me when I bring it up. I am just the "young mum" and my kids issues must be because of that.

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30 Jan 2012, 11:02 am

I have two sons, one diagnosed with high functioning autism. The other one definitely marches to his own beat, but he's not autistic.