CleverKitten wrote:
My cycle is about 31 days long. So I guess I get about 11 periods a year. I went to the doctor and he said that 31 days is abnormal, and that most woman have a 28 day cycle.
I dunno, I feel pretty healthy to me.
That's a silly thing for a doctor to say! There is plenty of variation. I'm on the pill now, which regulates it to every 28 days, but without the pill, mine come anywhere from 30 to 35 days apart. I'm perfectly healthy everything works properly. I had a friend who insisted there must be something terribly wrong with me, because hers had come like clockwork every 28 days from the start. No doctor ever saw a problem with it, though. My first few years of menstruating, they were anywhere from 2 weeks to four months apart. And really heavy. Nothing like spending middle school wondering when you are suddenly going to have a giant puddle of blood on your seat when you get up. I'm glad that didn't last! (And that was in the days when pads were like having a box of kleenex between your legs.)
I can't imagine that there is any correlation between cycle length and ASD's, though.