It's not so bad.
First, remember and keep in the forefront of your mind that it's a medical exam with a trained professional, not some sort of inappropriate conduct.
You'll be more comfortable if you relax your body as much as you can. The doctor should say when he/she is about to
touch you, but if you want to make sure of that, request it and just say you want to know so you want to know so you can take a deep breath and
blow it out to relax beforehand.
Also, keep in mind that doctors know many women find this exam a little...well, not bad, but not their favorite thing to do, shall we say.
Most of them try to be brief and calm and low-key about conducting the exam.
You get more comfortable with this after you've had a few; the first time and the unknown are much more anxiety producing than the actual exam itself.
You'll feel a little pressure when the doctor actually presses externally on your abdomen with one hand (to feel for abnormalities). Also, when the speculum is inserted, it does feel a little "stretched" down there, but not bad due to all the lubricant applied. And the speculum is not always metal; often now they are plastic. Sometimes, you'll feel a little -- very small -- cramping sensation when the doctor swabs your cervix area for the cell culture. It's over really fast. And again, if you're relaxed and keep breathing, it will pass quickly.
I usually turn my head and look away from the doctor as the exam occurs, but I talk to her if I have a question. And if something tickles or makes me laugh or if I am uncomfortable, I'll just let her know. Just remember, doctors have a sense of humor, too, and if they are women, they have to undergo the same thing to ensure their own health.
Best wishes.