MotownDangerPants wrote:
I'm currently obsessed with Myers Briggs typology and as an INTP or ISTP (I've decided I'm somewhere in between) I feel like I'm always misunderstood by people, men especially. They think that I MUST have something on my mind because I'm quiet AND because I'm a woman, and that I'm playing some kind of game with them. My ex always thought I was mad at him and would act like I was being difficult when I truly wasn't trying to be, so I had to act more extroverted just to get him to believe that I wasn't which was OK for awhile, but it's not something I like to do all the time.
We broke up anyway, because he was a jerk, but I still have this problem. People refuse to believe that women who don't say much aren't pissed off at the world.
LOL, anyone else have this problem?
Am I misunderstanding what I read? Are you saying you have nothing on your mind a lot? Perhaps its what I take to mean by something on your mind.
Is it more that you have nothing on your mind and you instead are experiencing some emotion instead?
That is not the mentality I have encountered from males on the west coast or females experiencing your strange male issues.
I've always found those tests and results to be a more complex version weekly horoscope scope reading.
Here's a quote that I found for you on
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
-James Baldwin