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02 Jun 2010, 11:56 am

Do you guys like touch during sex or cuddling? I love it, it's probably my favorite part of sex. I do hate being touched outside of that context or unexpectedly, though.


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02 Jun 2010, 3:03 pm

I don't like being touched, period. Its not too often that I'm fine with touching. Only way I'm okay with it is if the person asks/I'm warned ahead of time.

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02 Jun 2010, 3:08 pm

I love to cuddle with my boyfriend!! It's so nice to just relax with him holding me. :)

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02 Jun 2010, 11:21 pm

I'm probably one of the few people here who doesn't like being touched. I feel like I'm being tickled, which for the guy I'm lying with can be awkward. I don't like most foreplay other than kissing.

I'd like to lie there with a guy, rest my head on him for a while. It's nice.


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03 Jun 2010, 12:03 am

I can be uncomfortable with having my stomach touched..and my ex-partner used to joke about how bad it was that there was such a large percentage of my body that I didn't like having touched..

I am not sure how much of my current issues have to do with sensory issues and how much can be attributed to my own lack of confidence...

I can stand to be touched if there is not a sense of teasing or revulsion involved....any place but my stomach... :(


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03 Jun 2010, 12:39 am

I like touch from a significant other very much. It usually bother me in other contexts, but I can usually tolerate it.


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03 Jun 2010, 6:27 am

It's kind of hard to have sex without touching...I enjoy sex and I enjoy the physical closeness as well as the emotional closeness. I also like to cuddle my husband after any kind of sexual intimacy, but any other time is iffy. I will initiate cuddling if I want it but he has to let go the minute I say I'm uncomfortable with it. He will ask if I want to cuddle, but he knows better than to just touch me without warning. In general I don't like being touched, and never ever without my permission.


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03 Jun 2010, 8:48 am

I can't stand it, resist it... but I also have visions of the saliva staying on the touched area permanently and i can 'see' it for a few days later.


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03 Jun 2010, 10:14 am

I wish we had little glowing lights in our skin that signal "touch now" or "do not touch"...

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03 Jun 2010, 11:18 pm

I really, really dislike being touched, though admittedly it has gotten better as I've gotten older. But I still have to block it out a little bit when I'm sleeping with someone, which might be why sex doesn't exactly blow me away. And I DESPISE the cuddling afterward, or even unrelated cudding - skin on skin contact is so sticky and horrid and makes me feel greasy and claustrophobic. I even sleep in full-length jammies so my own limbs don't touch each other while I sleep! It can be a bit of an awkward problem to address with a new person. :?

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05 Jun 2010, 8:41 am

I actually think that I might have to split up with my partner because he needs a lot of touching and cuddling in both directions and if I cringe when he touches me it is extremely emotionally painful for him as he experiences it as rejection.

I've talked to him about it and he tries to be understanding about it but the communication through touch is a fundamental need for him.

My nipples have always been overly sensitive and it has gotten worse over the years to the point where sometimes I cannot realax while having sex for the fear that he might inadvertently brush against them.

I am sad about this gap betwen what he needs and what I can provide. I think we might have to split up because I worry about it every day and so does he and neither of us can see any way to make it better.


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05 Jun 2010, 10:26 am

Touch during sex is great - I like my hair and hips/waist to be touched especially. Other than that though, I don't usually want to cuddle and touching for the sake of touching is just distracting.


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08 Jun 2010, 1:01 pm

anomie wrote:
I actually think that I might have to split up with my partner because he needs a lot of touching and cuddling in both directions and if I cringe when he touches me it is extremely emotionally painful for him as he experiences it as rejection.

I've talked to him about it and he tries to be understanding about it but the communication through touch is a fundamental need for him.

My nipples have always been overly sensitive and it has gotten worse over the years to the point where sometimes I cannot realax while having sex for the fear that he might inadvertently brush against them.

I am sad about this gap betwen what he needs and what I can provide. I think we might have to split up because I worry about it every day and so does he and neither of us can see any way to make it better.

Have you asked him to try wearing gloves? A thin piece or cloth between skin helps me deal with casual contact. Or you could try directing him in what kind of pressure you need and than try to give him whatever he needs at the same time.

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.

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08 Jun 2010, 2:31 pm

I'm really affectuous and I really like to cuddle and with the significant other. It makes me feel so well.


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14 Jun 2010, 5:01 am

I have hated being touched. Doctors are the worst and just the thought of it makes me queasy and frightened. I avoid doctors to the point I will be sick rather than let them touch me, and I always go to female doctors when I get something I cannot manage. I always hated sex and sometimes felt like I was going to puke. I had 4 marriages, to unkind men, and I could not stand even to smell them. I was accused of being "sick" or being frigid. I just got out of a 30 year marriage that was toxic from day one, but I assumed the problems were mine, because I was so complicated. I never had problems holding or cuddling my children. And I can hug and accept hugs, but beyond that, can't stand it unless it is totally my choice. I have a lover now whom I adore and I am enjoying it for the first time in my life. I don't know why this particular man affected me this way, but I am totally at ease with him and our physicality.

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14 Jun 2010, 5:44 pm

For the most part I like cuddling with my husband. I hate being tickled or a light touch, because that sends me into flight mode. After sex, I won't let my husband touch me at all. Sex causes me to reach my touch tolerance limit. Some days I don't want to bee touched at all.

Fortunately I have a great husband who doesn't take it personally if I tell him I don't want to be hugged right now.