Chronos wrote:
Why is the term "opinionated" only applied to women? You never hear a man being called "opinionated". He is called "sharp" or "on top of his game".
I would describe a man as opinionated too its just that I am specifically looking for women and to be honest until coming across this site I've found them hard to come by. I want to know more opinionated women, most of the women around me don't seem to have any opinions (or at least don't express them at any rate), or simply take onboard mine once I've voiced them (maybe its because I've been the one to say it first so they can now blame me if challenged on it). Its incredibly frustrating.
Also I would not equate opinionated with 'sharp' or at the 'top of his game', I agree with hale_bopp that sometimes opinionated people can appear pompous and when combined with ignorance this can be unbearable. In fact I am sure I come across like this sometimes (don't we all?) but I want to be challenged, I like to be challenged. If you respect someone you owe it to them to challenge them, to me that is true friendship.
I think maybe men are described as opinionated less then women because men fit in better in this man made culture we all live in and tend to find it easier to voice their opinions in a way that adheres to the social code - just look at the constant slagging the Daily Mail newspaper gets in the UK. Also men are encouraged to challenge each other and have piss-take banter from a young age, women are expected to be sweet and kind. I have 2 big brothers and I did try to get the same banter going with my girlfriends that they did with their mates growing up, let me just say it didn't go down too well. Look at weddings for another example, the best man's speech is often about laughing about all the stupid mistakes the groom made growing up and then the father of the bride stands up and says that his daughter is beautiful and lovely.