PMS worsening with age, AS traits coming out very strongly.

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20 Aug 2010, 3:08 pm

Have any of you gotten much worse PMS symptoms over time? I'm 26 and I think my hormone levels changed within my the last year and it has made my PMS AWFUL, I think it may be PMDD now.

I used to have about two days of PMS that weren't great but were tolerable. Now I have about 2 weeks of it. The first week just consists of me being tired and hungry, but the second week consists of being so fatigued that I'm hardly able to keep my head up, so hungry that i have to eat everything in sight and am still shaky no matter how many calories I gt, VERY anxious-the kind of anxiety I might get during a melt down. Everything just STOPS, I can't make sense of anything. I can't really make sense of noise or information(everything just feels like it's coming at me so fast that it's all one big blob of information), I offend people unitentionally because I say something that sounds snarky and even after I've said I'm STILL not sure what I did wrong because I just can't make sense of it, I can hardly keep a thought in my head for more than a few seconds, my memory goes to complete sh*t, and I hardly trust myself in public because I'm afraid I might break down crying or something. I pretty much cut off all contact with people because I just make absolutely no sense during this time. I'm having major difficulties getting the post to come out right =/

During the second week of the PMS it's really awful for about the frist 3 days of that week, then the symptoms kind of level out but stick around until I get my period. I feel like my life is being ruled by this and I'm probably going to back on antidepressants.

Anyone else?


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20 Aug 2010, 3:33 pm

Interesting. Mind you I don't get PMS (no period) I do feel sometimes my traits show more than others. Sometimes days will be fine then the next day OMG you were so rude you've been nothing but a rude b***h today! So I'm confused aswell. I'm always saying the wrong thing and even when family says X was rude (something I said) I shrug it off say ok or I guess so not fully understanding my rudeness. Mom likes the example what if I said Y is that rude. Me: Uh sure. I'm totally confused about the world around me family wise and feel nothing I do is right. For example YA for going back to college (for me) but BOO! I WILL obsess over it College IMO was a special interest (you know how Aspies LOVE to obsess) So then it'll be OH you don't do anything OMG! Me: Uh ya I study 24/7! So we'll see how my return to college goes. :-) Sorry your PMS is so bad. Hopefully it gets better.

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25 Aug 2010, 12:17 pm

I feel my Aspie traits are becoming harder for *me* to handle as I age. I have become more aware of them perhaps.
My periods have shortened but I can still get a really bad one occasionally. So I'm not sure I can say they are getting worse as I had some terribly painful experiences in my first 10 years. Each month is still a voyage of discovery into the unknown. It sux.


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25 Aug 2010, 5:03 pm

I used to have 2 weeks of PMS symptoms, but I am taking the birth control pill and have noticed a significant decrease in symptoms.

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25 Aug 2010, 9:15 pm

I think I actually have a hormonal imbalance because my periods are really intense and strong to the point where i'm doubled over in pain and sick for at least a day. (Possible TMI ahead) Sometimes I even throw up or feel close to doing so, and my flow is heavy to the point I have to change my tampons/pads more than usual.

It defiantly affects my mood very much. I'll get super-depressed, among other things. I need to go in and get checked to see if I have a hormone problem.


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28 Aug 2010, 9:31 am

When I am not on some form of hormonal birth control, my periods are often miserable. But the hormones cause a different kind of misery, unfortunately. I'm not sure if my periods are worse as I get older or if I'm just noticing them more.

Something that does help a lot is getting enough sleep/exercise and making sure I know when PMS is about to kick in so I don't mistake negative feelings for anything real and can say, "Oh, that's just PMS and the world isn't really ending." Then I baby myself for a few days, watch movies, etc. Avoid doing important stuff so I don't stress out too much and don't have to move a lot. The problem with this method is that it still kills my productivity for a few days, even though it does prevent it from slipping into a more serious bout of depression.

My proposed solution was to get a Mirena IUD, which is supposed to cut down/get rid of periods in most women without tons of hormones. Mirena releases a small amount of progestin locally, but it is supposed to be considerably less than the amount in birth control pills and the amount is constant, so the side effects are much less. My insurance company is being a pain, though, and I might just go ahead and get a tubal ligation plus Novasure endometrial ablation and permanently put my period out of its misery.


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30 Aug 2010, 5:42 am

Dear one,

Please get your thyroid levels checked along with a consultation re: PMDD.

I do not have thyroid disease (but I do have a goitre(enlarged thyroid)), however, I entered perimenopause at the age of 31 which is rare but possible. I also have PMDD, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids and cystic activity.

The reason I speak of thyroid is hyperthyroid can increase appetite while losing weight and can affect your periods/menstrual cycle. It can also cause severe mood swings, similar to the presentation of PMDD. Please also enquire about a pelvic/abdominal ultrasound to rule out PCOS(polycystic ovary syndrome) which can lead to diabetes.

You are hungry due to fluctuations in your metabolism and blood sugar levels and hormones can be the direct culprit for this. Adrenal function is directly related to the HPA axis(hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) in the brain which affects all other neurotransmitters. Do you crave sugar or salt during these times? Your adrenals may need some support.

And as for your AS getting worse, I hear you. I feel like a three-legged rabid badger, with the mental capacity of a plastic bag. I rock more, my sensory issues go through the roof, my dyslexia/dyspraxia goes berserk and all basic cognition goes out the window. Just give me bloody menopause, for goodness sake.

Take care of yourself,


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30 Aug 2010, 2:55 pm

my PMS symptoms have always been bad, and now that I'm 25, they haven't gotten worse per se, but they just appear earlier and last longer :( A full week before I get my period I know it's coming because I am in pain, bloated, weepy/moody, breaking out etc. Even on BCP it's only slightly better and more abbreviated. Right now I am smack dab in the middle of that week of hell and although I'm no party animal, the thought of having full days of school followed by seemingly mandatory socializing coupled with my PMS symptoms makes me want to hide in a hole. I'm sorry I don't have any solid solutions or advice except to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself during this time (sleep, good nutrition and relaxing/walking) and maybe take some aspirin.


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31 Aug 2010, 12:31 am

That happened to me...I had 2 weeks of PMS and 2 weeks of period per month. I was pretty fun to be around....the doctor tested me and I had a thyroid that was half as active as it should have been. I was scared....I thought I was going into menopause at 28 years old! Even hot flashes and night sweats and spontaneous witchiness. The daily thyroid pills fixed it!


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31 Aug 2010, 12:57 pm

Before having children, my PMS was no big deal. I honestly didn't understand why some women became raging b*****s for a week every month.

Now, I am that raging b***h for a week.

Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.