My best friend and I recently had a discussion about the relationship that I had with my ex ( who is NT, Bipolar, or ADHD we're not sure yet) and he had suggested that my ex could have enjoyed arguing with me, and found it pleasurable and fun. I was thinking: "Huh?"
It had been strange and confusing for at school he would flirt with me alot by hovering around where ever I was and talking and laughing to me before I had initiated conversation. I was the only girl in our small class of 9 students. He would quite often say random sexual remarks to me, which I considered a compliment, and later on in the year would touch me which I found exciting . Other times, he would diss what I would say or think, for example made fun of my shirt which was Happy Bunny and read: "I'm cuter than most people." He said, "I don't agree with your shirt." I angrily replied: "You don't want to make an enemy of me!" and another classmate said "Oh, look you made him sad and I was thinking:Good, serves him right, and me and the classmate laughed. He made fun of some of my immature clothing choices and interests. He would talk on the phone frequently bringing up a sexual act that he knew I didn't like and approve of. I just wondered if it makes sense to any of you that he could enjoy "making me mad." To me when it comes to love, I mean business. I say what I mean, and don't play games. I don't enjoy arguing or humiliating people.