I don't really have this problem really. My fiancé keeps his eyeballs in his head where they belong. He's more critical than complimentary of women, and when he does see a woman that is pretty, he'll openly remark so at me. But it's about respect, a man shouldn't be gawking at other women when he's walking with his wife or fiance. I don't gawk at men either way, but I certainly wouldn't do that in front of him. The only sign that sends out, in my opinion, is 'The woman I'm standing with isn't as good looking as you are, stranger, that's why I'm gawking at you right now.' When a guy looks at me when he's with another girl, I get the immediate impression that he's getting something on the side or wants something on the side, otherwise he wouldn't be staring at me like he wants a piece. But my fiance and I don't even have qualms about porn. He reads erotica and prefers imagination to reality in that sense. He'd be more likely to be interested in comic book women than real women that aren't me, which I'm thankful for. So there are exceptions to the rule. It could be that he'll be 27 this year and his hormones have calmed down, because he used to be a cheater and manwhore, but I think he vented all of that in a few short years (along with drugs and partying) to where he was just in the settling down mood when we got together. He was the one that wanted to start a family, too. He always tells me he feels too old to go out and about like that anymore. I still try to keep him interested, though. We do kinky stuff and I'm bisexual, myself, so we have done stuff involving other girls (me and them, not him and them, but he's a-okay with that). That being said, I look at a lot more women than he does. LOL